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Bridge Construction
2004 Issue 2
Fuzzy Similar Solutions to Bridge Design Water Flow
wen fang zhen ; wen yu song
A Simplified Calculation Method for Large Embedded Rock Wall Foundations
ren wen min ; yang fei hu ; wang zheng xing ; yang zhen yu ; zhou jun sheng
Design of the Upstream Bridge at Pubugou Hydropower Station at Daduhe River
mao sui feng ; fu zhi qian ; zeng jian jun
The 3rd Macau-Taipa Bridge-The First Double-Deck Prestressed Cable-Stayed Bridge in the World
zhang qiang ; wei jun ; wen wu song
Using Inclinometers to Measure Bridge Deflections
hou xing min ; yang xue shan ; huang qiao
Application of Prestressed Steel Arch Support Method to Strengthening of Double Curved Arch Bridge
tian an guo ; ding wen sheng ; liu zuo ; lv zhi tao
Construction Features of Bored Piles of Bridges over Sea
song chang bing ; zhang jing
Construction of Reinforced Concrete Stiffening Girder of Self-Anchored Suspension Bridge
shi zhan liang ; chen chang ming
Construction Techniques of Tunnel-Type Anchorage for Suspension Bridge
wang yong ; cao hua ming
Experimental Investigation of Anchor Bar Surface Protection
li si nian ; shen jin long ; yu tian qing ; chen hui min ; xiao an chun
Analysis of Main Cable Erection of Suspension Bridges
luo xi heng ; xiao ru cheng ; xiang hai fan
RTK GPS-Based Major Bridge Dynamic Monitoring and Information Management
cheng peng gen ; shi wen zhong ; liu xue bin ; wang cheng rui