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Journal of Tsinghua University(Science and Technology)
2006 Issue S1
Financial evaluation methods in software process improvement
FANG Deying~;LI Minqiang~2;LI Ping~1
Modeling E-commerce website quality management based on Bayesian network
CHANG Jinling~;XIA Guoping~1
IS outsourcing: Key research issues and future development
W.W.Huang~;CHEN Hongmin~2;Faizul Huq~1
View-angles of spatial data mining
WANG Shuliang~
ASP-based implementing mode for networked manufacturing system
ZHENG Xiaolin;CHEN Deren;ZHANG Lixia
Building-up of an enterprise data model supported by ontology
MIAO Hong;GE Shilun
Customer clustering segmentation method for futures industry based on customer value
CHEN Zhigao;CHEN Yueying;CHANG Xiangyun
Algorithm for customer market subdivision based on rough set
E Xu~;GAO Xuedong~1;JIAO Jicheng~1;ZHANG Jun~1
Deep annotation framework of template-based structured HTML documents
LIAO Shumei~1;XU Shenghua~1;TAO Wan~2
Analysis of money laundering utility and path of agent nodes based on cost constraints
XUE Yaowen~;ZHANG Pengzhu~2;FAN Jing~2
A Petri net-based approach to analyze and evaluate civil litigation process
WU Hongwei;YANG Dong;TONG Lixin
Homogeneity and differentiation in Internet applications
SONG Wenmo;MAO Jiye
Personal credit evaluation of college student loans with support vector machines
XIAO Zhi;WANG Mingkai;XIE Linlin
Improved decision tree of C 4.5
LIU Peng;YAO Zheng;YIN Junjie
Application of content classification based on intelligent clustering
GAO Huiying;GAN Renchu
Attribute reduction and its performance evaluation in case-based reasoning
LI Fenggang;NI Zhiwei;YANG Shanlin;HUANG Ling
Modeling and empirical analysis of customer demand based on aim-value
WEI Min~1;LI Jiang~1;WAN Yinghong~2
An integrated framework for strategic information systems planning
LI Dong;NIU Fang
Trust model based on multiple factors in online auction
ZHANG Wei;LIU Lu;ZHU Yanchun
Space group formation algorithm for maneuvering target
GUO Junwen~1;QIN Zheng~;HE Shengping~1;HUANG Hexiao~
A new model for Web URL extraction
SU Hang~1;YAN Jianyuan~2
Analysis of Internet enterprises investment strategies for second-mover
XIONG Yingzi;LIU Zhenyu
CBR filtering algorithm and intelligent information recommending system
JIANG Lihong;XU Boyi;XI Junhong
Promoting tacit knowledge management using social network analysis
YIN Guopeng;MO Yunsheng;CHEN Yu
Optimization and simulation of activity-travel sequence in ITS
YU Lan~1;Davy Janssens~2;CHEN Guoqing~1;Geert Wets~2
Fuzzy autonomous trust model based on open network
ZHANG Shibin~1;LIU Quan~2;ZENG Hong~2
Credit risk evaluation based on hybrid system
Ma Haiying
Factors effecting core competency of knowledge organization in China
CAI Jian;GAO Jian;WANG Haiyan;BAI Chunlin
A method for evaluating web-based survey feasibility
FANG Jiaming;SHAO Peiji
Classifying model for virtual community members
MAO Bo;YOU Wenwen
E-commerce performance evaluation model and its application
JIANG Ximin;HUANG Jinghua;WANG Hui
qian yan
Application of IT in JIT material supplying system of an automobile parts industries
CHANG Peichann~1;LIU Chenhao~1;WANG Yenwen~2
Construction mechanism of knowledge supply chain organization model
WANG Xiwei;JING Jipeng;FANG Xiaochun
SCBA: An evolving rules-based model for stream data classification
WU Junjie;CHEN Jian
Knowledge management increases innovation capability of enterprises: An empirical study
DONG Xiaoying~1;JIANG Guihuang~2;LIU Qianqian~1
Knowledge management consultation system based on CBR technologies
WANG Jun;PAN Xing;LI Jing;LIU Lu