Removal of Ammonia from Wastewater Effluent by Chlorella Vulgaris
Jinsoo Kim1; Bala P. Lingaraju1; Rachael Rheaume2; Joo-Youp Lee1; Kaniz F. Siddiqui3 1. Department of Chemical and Materials Engineering; University of Cincinnati; Cincinnati; OH 45221; USA; 2. Department of Biomedical Engineering; University of Cincinnati; Cincinnati; OH 45221; USA; 3. The Metropolitan Sewer District of Greater Cincinnati; Cincinnati; OH 45204-2022; USA
Osmotic Pressure of Water in Nafion~
Michael K. Budinski; Adam Cook General Motors Company; Electrochemical Energy Research Lab; Honeoye Falls; NY 14572; USA; Trison Business Solutions; Leroy; NY 14482; USA
Integrated Quay Crane and Yard Truck Schedule Problem in Container Terminals
CAO Jinxin 1;2; SHI Qixin 1; Der-Horng Lee3 1. Department of Civil Engineering; Tsinghua University; Beijing 100084; China; 2. Department of Transportation Engineering; Inner Mongolia University; Hohhot 010070; China; 3. Department of Civil Engineering; National University of Singapore; Singapore 117576; Singapore