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Tsinghua Science and Technology
2010 Issue 4
Hydrogen Adsorption on Metal-Organic Framework MOF-177
Dipendu Saha; Shuguang Deng Chemical Engineering Department; New Mexico State University; Las Cruces; NM 88003; USA
Removal of Ammonia from Wastewater Effluent by Chlorella Vulgaris
Jinsoo Kim1; Bala P. Lingaraju1; Rachael Rheaume2; Joo-Youp Lee1; Kaniz F. Siddiqui3 1. Department of Chemical and Materials Engineering; University of Cincinnati; Cincinnati; OH 45221; USA; 2. Department of Biomedical Engineering; University of Cincinnati; Cincinnati; OH 45221; USA; 3. The Metropolitan Sewer District of Greater Cincinnati; Cincinnati; OH 45204-2022; USA
Heat Transfer in the Microlayer Under a Bubble During Nucleate Boiling
David M. Christopher; ZHANG Lu Key Laboratory for Thermal Science and Power Engineering of Ministry of Education; Department of Thermal Engineering; Tsinghua University; Beijing 100084; China
Osmotic Pressure of Water in Nafion~
Michael K. Budinski; Adam Cook General Motors Company; Electrochemical Energy Research Lab; Honeoye Falls; NY 14572; USA; Trison Business Solutions; Leroy; NY 14482; USA
Impact of Flue Gas Species and Temperature on Mercury Oxidation
TAO Ye ; ZHUO Yuqun ; ZHANG Liang ; CHEN Changhe ; XU Xuchang Key Laboratory of Thermal Science and Power Engineering of Ministry of Education; Department of Thermal Engineering; Tsinghua University; Beijing 100084; China
Preferential Oxidation of CO in a Hydrogen-Rich Gas Through Au/NaY Catalytic Membranes
ZHU Ziping ; LIU Yanmei ; YANG Zhanzhao ; GU Xuehong ; XU Nanping State Key Laboratory of Materials-Oriented Chemical Engineering; College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering; Nanjing University of Technology; Nanjing 210009; China
Characterization of Antibody Responses Against the 2F5 Epitope ELDKWA Using HIV-1 Env-Mediated Membrane Fusion and Neutralization Assays
CAO Yue 1;2; CHEN Yinghua 1;2; 1. Laboratory of Immunology; Department of Biological Sciences and Biotechnology; Tsinghua University; Beijing 100084; China; 2. Beijing Key Laboratory for Protein Therapeutics; Beijing 100084; China
Integrated Quay Crane and Yard Truck Schedule Problem in Container Terminals
CAO Jinxin 1;2; SHI Qixin 1; Der-Horng Lee3 1. Department of Civil Engineering; Tsinghua University; Beijing 100084; China; 2. Department of Transportation Engineering; Inner Mongolia University; Hohhot 010070; China; 3. Department of Civil Engineering; National University of Singapore; Singapore 117576; Singapore
Acid Hydrolytic Method for Determination of Ginkgo Biloba Total Flavonoids in Rat Plasma by HPLC for Pharmacokinetic Studies
HU Jun ; ZHAO Yunan ; MA Chao ; WANG Weiyu ; XING Dongming ; DU Lijun Laboratory of Pharmaceutical Sciences; Department of Biological Sciences and Biotechnology; Tsinghua University; Beijing 100084; China
Numerical Simulations of a Micro-Channel Wall-Tube Condenser for Domestic Refrigerators
ZHANG Huiyong ; LI Junming ; LI Hongqi Key Laboratory of Thermal Science and Power Engineering of Ministry of Education; Department of Thermal Engineering; Tsinghua University; Beijing 100084; China; College of Environmental and Energy Engineering; Beijing University of Technology; Beijing 100022; China
Location Specific Cell Transmission Model for Freeway Traffic
CHEN Xiqun ; SHI Qixin ; LI Li ; Department of Civil Engineering; Tsinghua University; Beijing 100084; China; Department of Automation; Tsinghua University; Beijing 100084; China
Onset of Nucleate Boiling in Natural Circulation Systems Predicted Using the Second Stir Theory
ZHOU Tao ; YANG Ruichang ; LI Zhenyang ; ZHANG Ming ; LIU Mengying School of Nuclear Science and Engineering; North China Electric Power University; Beijing 102206; China; Department of Thermal Engineering; Tsinghua University; Beijing 100084; China
Modeling and Experimental Investigation of a Variable Speed Drive Water Source Heat Pump
XUE Zhifang 1;2; SHI Lin 1; 1. Key Laboratory for Thermal Science and Power Engineering of Ministry of Education; Department of Thermal Engineering; Tsinghua University; Beijing 100084; China; 2. Guangxi Electric Power Industry Investigation Design and Research Institute; Nanning 530023; China
Synthesis and Characterization of Ordered Meso-Macro-Porous Silica Membranes on a Porous Alumina Support
Duo Li; Y.S. Lin; V.V. Guliants Department of Chemical Engineering; Arizona State University; AZ 85287; USA; Department of Chemical and Materials Engineering; University of Cincinnati; OH 45221; USA
Experimental Losses and Optimum Conditions for Phenanthrene Extraction
ZHANG Zhenyi ; Chihiro Inoue; LI Guanghe Department of Environmental Sciences and Engineering; Tsinghua University; Beijing 100084; China; Graduate School of Environmental Studies; Tohoku University; Sendai 980-8579; Japan
Effect of Flavonoids in Scutellariae Radix on Depression-Like Behavior and Brain Rewards: Possible in Dopamine System
WANG Xiukun ; ZHANG Lujun ; HUA Lei ; XING Dongming ; DU Lijun Protein Science Laboratory of Ministry of Education; Laboratory of Pharmaceutical Sciences; Department of Biological Sciences and Biotechnology; Tsinghua University; Beijing 100084; China
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