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Journal of Ocean University of China
2006 Issue 2
Southern Meridional Atmospheric Circulation Associated with IOD
LIU Na;CHEN Hongxia
Assessment of South Pacific Albacore Stock (Thunnus alalunga ) by Improved Schaefer Model
Wang Chien-Hsiung;Wang Shyh-Bin
Construction of a Metagenomic DNA Library of Sponge Symbionts and Screening of Antibacterial Metabolites
CHEN Juan;ZHU Tianjiao;LI Dehai;CUI Chengbin;FANG Yuchun;LIU Hongbing;LIU Peipei;GU Qianqun;ZHU Weiming
Phytoplankton Assemblage of Yangtze River Estuary and the Adjacent East China Sea in Summer, 2004
LUAN Qingshan;SUN Jun;SHEN Zhiliang;SONG Shuqun;WANG Min
Structure and Classification of Haemocytes in the Bivalve Mollusc Meretrix meretrix
ZHANG Yanyan;REN Sulian;WANG Dexiu;SONG Weibo
A New Spectrophotometric Method for Measuring COD of Seawater
LIU Ying;JI Hongwei;XIN Huizhen;LIU Li
Effect of Epinephrine on the Settlement and Metamorphosis of Manila Clam Larvae
LU Sumin;BAO Zhenmin;LIU Hui;FANG Jianguang
The Hydrolyzation of Collagen by Fucoidan Oligosaccharide's Complex with CeⅣ
XU Jiachao;GAO Xin;ZHANG Zhaohui;LI Zhaojie;HUO Lihua;XUE Changhu
Design of Vibrio 16S rRNA Gene Specific Primers and Their Application in the Analysis of Seawater Vibrio Community
LIU Yong;YANG Guanpin;WANG Hualei;CHEN Jixiang;SHI Xianming;ZOU Guiwei;WEI Qiwei;SUN Xiuqin
Numerical Investigation of Vortex-induced Vibrations for Flow past a Circular Cylinder
WANG Guoxing;WANG Shuqing;LI Huajun
The Monitoring of Red Tides Based on Modular Neural Networks Using Airborne Hyperspectral Remote Sensing
JI Guangrong;SUN Jie;ZHAO Wencang;ZHANG Hande
A GIS-based Earthquake and Tsunami Emergency Command System for Seaside Cities
GUAN Youhai;FENG Qimin;JIA Jing