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Journal of Pingyuan University
2016 Issue 7
wo guo he ping wai jiao de fa zhan yu mian lin de tiao zhan
sun jian ; xue nian wen ;
The Empirical Analysis of Path to Trade Facilitation Between the Yangtze River Economic Belt and ASEAN Countries
GONG Lili;JIN Zehu;School of Economics;Anhui University;
xi tong zheng ti he zi qu yu chan chu ce lue jun heng yan jiu
zeng xiao ping ;
jian lun mei jie fa zhan yu er tong wen xue
lin ran ;
xu ju zheng de dong ren shi hua lue shuo
zhang shi fang ;
Illustrative Examples of the Textual Research on the Dialect Original Word Forms in Weihui County Henan Province
HOU Jianke;Research Institute of Chinese Language Documents;Southwest University;
duo zhong shi jiao xia de chuang zao xing pan ni jie du
wu xiu qun ;
lun ming dai shi chao de si xiang jia zhi
liu yun xia ;
gao deng xue xiao ji xiao gong zi zhi du yan jiu
wang shu rui ;
guo jia zhu xue dai kuan zheng ce yan jiu
zhao ying chao ;
gou jian he xie jiao yu jian she he xie she hui
chen zhuo ;