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Journal of Pingyuan University
2016 Issue 1
hu jin tao de gong tong fu yu si xiang tan xi
yang wen sen ;
On the Socialism Core Values
HU Yingquan;Library;Fujian International Business & Economic College;
lun gu quan de xing zhi
liang zuo ;
Transboundary and Breakthrough:Network Literature and Film Industry Development Model
ZHU Ailian;School of Chinese Language;Xinxiang University;
Try to Discuss the Digestion of the Tragedy Color in ChangHen Poetry
LIN Qiaoyun;School of Literature and Law;Anyang Institute of Technology;
Orwell’s Potential Consciousness of Colonialism:A Postcolonial Study of Burmese Days
RUAN Biyuan;Department of Foreign Language;Minnan University of Science and Technology;
wa er deng hu zhong de sheng jing dian gu han yi shu ping
xiao sheng wen ; ma zuo wen ;
duo yuan shi yu xia yu yan bian yi de fen lei yan jiu
du qi zuo ;
Lu King Mausoleum Stone Carving Patterns of the Vase Flower Shape and Aesthetic Analysis
ZHAO Baoguo;College of the Arts;Xinxiang University;
Discussion on Virtual Practical Teaching of Ideological and Political Theory Course in University
HAN Yan;College of Marxism;Henan Normal University;
qian tan zhong xiao xue zuo wen jiao xue de xian jie
sun jin li ;
ji suan ji ying yu jiao xue zhong de wen ti yu dui ce
li dong ;