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Journal of Pingdingshan University
2002 Issue 6
On the teaching of artistic beauty
ren xue chen
gao xiao zi zhu ban xue de fa lv wen ti tan jiu
meng jian guo
mo zi gu li kao lue
xu xi yan
On the Categories and Functions of Mohist Metaphors
kong man chun
Commentary on Lacan's language philosophical thinking
li zuo lei
Study on Chinese grammar--A Structural Analysis of A Culture
shen xiao long
Style and its classification
kong xiu xiang
Comprehending the expressible function of abbreviations
shen meng zuo
gao sheng lin you mo shi zen yang lian cheng de xu
zong ting hu
Where is the green cloud--Catch the beauty in life
lv jing
Discrimination on some matters of Three - Su - Graves in Jiaxian County
xie zhao ming ; pan min zhong
On Kita Lkki's thought of invasion and expansion
qu chang gen
song dai wu jia chu tan
liang zhong xun
On advanced culture and progressiveness of the Party
liu shi wen