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Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering
2013 Issue 13
Simulation by remote sensing and analysis of net primary productivity of vegetation based on topographical correction
Liu Yuan;Huang Bo;Yi Chenggong;Cheng Tao;Yu Jian;Qu Lean
Process of extracting flaxseed gum powder by abrasion
Yang Jine;Huang Qingde;Huang Fenghong;Xu Jiqu;Deng Qianchun
Design and realization of smart microgrid for household in rural area
Sun Qinfei;Gao Tingting;Yang Rengang※;Wang Wencheng
Hyperspectral estimation of canopy chlorophyll density in winter wheat under stress of powdery mildew
Feng Wei;Wang Xiaoyu;Song Xiao;He Li;Wang Chenyang;Guo Tiancai※
Reversion of leaf area index in forest based on linear mixture model
Chen Li;Zhang Xiaoli※;Jiao Zhimin
Application and experiment of different turbulence models for simulating tip leakage vortex in axial flow pump
Zhang Desheng;Wu Suqing;Shi Weidong;Pan Dazhi;Yao Jie;Zhang Guangjian
Physio-chemical characterization of biochars pyrolyzed from miscanthus under two different temperatures
Luo Yu;Zhao Lixin;Meng Haibo;Xiang Xin;Zhao Xiaorong;Li Guitong;Lin Qimei
Direct non-thermal plasma technology reduces emission of aldehyde and ketone in diesel engine exhaust
Jiang Fei;Cai Yixi※;Han Wenhe;Dong Miao;Li Xiaohua;Chen Yayun
Aquiculture remote monitoring system based on IOT Android platform
Li Hui;Liu Xingqiao;Li Jing;Lu Xiaosong;Huan Juan
Development and experiment on application effects of automatic drinking device for waterfowl
Wang Shengyu;Cheng Haoliang;Wang Aiqin;Liu Haijun;Xiang Huali;Shi Tianhong;Qi Lihong
Fe3+enhanced anaerobic digestion process of corn straw
Shi Changbo;Wang Jin;Peng Shuchuan;Hou Chenghu;Chen Tianhu;Yue Zhengbo※
Parameters optimization of directing precision seeder for large cucurbitaceous seeds
Yang Yanli;Gu Song;Li Kai;Liu Kai;Zhang Qing;Zhong Lxiang;Jia Dongdong;Liu Xiaoliang
Tannase treatment improves contents of catechins and bioactivity of tea stalk infusion
Huang Yufeng;Xiao Anfeng;Ni Hui;Cai Huinong
Modeling phosphorus removal in horizontal subsurface constructed wetland based on principal component analysis
Zhang Yan;Cui Lijuan;Li Wei;Zhang Manyin;Zhao Xinsheng;Wang Yifei;Zhang Yaqiong
Performance analysis of machinery load sensitive quantitative pump system
Yuan Shihao;Yin Chenbo;Liu Shihao
Design and experiment of disc-dig sugar beet combine
Wang Fangyan;Zhang Dongxing
Plastic film mulching cultivation decrease absorption of manganese and improve its use efficiency in upland and paddy rice
Zhang Yajie;Shi Qiaqia;Wang Zhensheng;Hua Jingjing;Zheng Liping;Dong Cunhao;Yang Jianchang※
Energy-efficient automatic monitoring system of aquaculture based on WSN
Jiang Jianming;Shi Guodong;Li Zhengming;Shi Bing;Huan Juan
Experiment of propagation characteristics based on 433MHz channel of WSN in orchid greenhouse
Li Xiaomin;Zang Ying;Luo Xiwen;Li Teng;Liu Yongxin;Kong Qingjun
Monitoring storage shelf life for chilled fresh pork using enzymatic time-temperature indicator
Qiao Lei;Lu Lixin;Tang Yali;Liu Zhigang