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Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering
2001 Issue 6
Compound Drink Powder of Lycium Barbarum and Hippophae Rhamnoide s
zhang bao shan ; chen jin ping ; yang li
Extracting Walnut Oil With Supercritical CO2 Fluid Technique
wu cai e ; yan shi jie ; kou xiao hong ; hao li ping ; du jun min ; li xiao juan
Research on Yolk Color Grading Model
wen you xian ; wang qiao hua ; zong wang yuan ; xiong li rong ; liu jian ying ; yu you sheng
Study on the Expert System of Cucumber Culture Management in G reenhouse
chen qing yun ; li hong
Experiment and Design on Intelligent Control System for Temperature and Humidity in Fruit Granary
yan qin lao ; xue shao ping ; zhu lin ; hui xue ying ; zhang mi e
GIS-Based Irrigation Water-Use Management System
li jing ; fu zuo ; gu shi xiang
Application of Electrical Stimulation Technology to Accelerate d Ripening of Beef
luo xin ; huang ming ; zhu yan
Microwave Extraction of Total Isoflavones From P.Lobata
chen bin ; nan qing xian ; lv ling ; zhou xi cheng
Study on Extracting Technology of Diosgenin and Glucose from Yam
huang jin ; zhang zhao zuo ; li lin ; zhang sheng hua
Study on Healthy Drink of Portulaca Oleracea L.
yu xin ; li jing
Technology and Test Device of Air Control Drying
lu ze jian ; lu zheng ; lin qi xun ; chen ying
Study on the Stability of the Seabuckthorn Fruit Juice Soy-Bean Milk
chen jin ping ; zhang wen zhan ; zhang yi li
Edible Nutritional Value and Application of Fish Bone Meal From Harengula Zunasi B.
deng shang gui ; xia xing zhou ; yang ping ; chen jing ; ding liu jun
Experimental Study on Extruding Crop Straw by Screw Extruder
zhang zu li ; zhu yong wen ; liu xiao feng ; cui yu jie ; li yong kui ; zhang ben hua
Exprimental Study on Drying Corn Using Solar Collectors
liu sheng yong ; zhang bai liang ; yuan chao ; zhang jie ; chen kai zuo
New Technique of Plant Tissue Cultivation Photoautotrophic Micr opropagation
qu ying hua ; hu xiu zuo ; wu yi ming
Effect of Transpiration Control Under High Salinity in a Green house on Tomato Yield
li ya ling ;cecilia stanghellini
Vehicle Semi-active Suspension of Adaptive Fuzzy Control Based on Fuzzy Control Theory
chen long ; li de chao ; xue nian wen ; zhou kong kang
Dynamical Property, Loci and Separating of Materials in Inclined Airflow Device
li ge ; zhao yun ; yu gao hong
Effect of Lateral Depth on Root and Seedling Growth and Water Use Efficiency of Winter Wheat
he hua ; kang shao zhong ; cao hong xia
Effects of Different Level Compaction on the Physicochemical C haracteristerics of Soil and Crop Growth
chi ren li ; zuo shu zhen ; xia ping ; liu hong ; liu xi cai
Effects of Permeable Irrigation on Cotton in Semiarid Region
niu xi wu ; feng yong ping ; li yong shan ; zhang qiang
Effect of Straw Cover on Wheat Yield and Soil Environment in Dry land Field
sun jin ; wang yi bing
Analysis of Characteristics and Profit Portion of Agricultural Mechanization in the Northeast of China
gao lian xing ; liu feng li ; lv zi hu ; gao guo li ; zhao yao ; he di
Wear Characteristics of Rubber O-Rings Roller Chains for Agri cultural Machinery
jin chang ; huang mei ; xu shu xin ; gao hui juan
Analysis of Influence Factor on Seeding Uniformity of Model 2B F-8 Wheat Precision Planter
liu jun feng ; yang xin ; feng xiao jing
Development of Automatic Precision Seeding System
wu wen fu ; zuo chun zuo ; yan hong yu ; liu yang
Influence of Rice Bud Seed Mixed With Dry Soil Powder on Seeding Performance
li zhi wei ; li jiu hao ; wang fu yong ; chen jun tao
Development of Cucumber Harvesting Robot in Netherlands
zhou zeng chan ;j.bontsema;l.van kollenburg-crisan
Experimental Study on Conservation Tillage System in Areas of Two Crops a Year in North China Plain
zhou xing xiang ; gao huan wen ; liu xiao feng
Detecting Land-Use Change by Overlaying Land-Use Map on Remo te Sensing Imagery
wu lian xi ; yan tai lai ; zhang zuo ; xue tian min ; cheng chang xiu
Improving Soil Moisture-Holding Capacity Using Cavity-Making by Explosion in the Loess Plateau
dang jin qian ; li jing ; yan bao wen ; bao zhong zuo
Comparative Study on Policy of Farmland Preservation in Developed Countries
luo ming ; ju zheng shan ; zhang qing chun
Review of Subsoiling Techniques and Their Applications
guo zhi jun ; zuo jin ; zhou zhi li ; ren lu quan
Analytic Method for Computing Sediment Concentration in Eroding Rills on Steep Slope
lei ting wu ; zhang qing zuo ; zhao jun ; liu ji gen