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Energy Engineering
2003 Issue 5
Application of AHP in the design of field mini-PEMFC power systems
du ming lei ; shen wei dong ; ruan yu ; wang jian li ; liu chi
Distributed generation and its relation with the grid
Michelangelo Celozzi
The optimum sizing of stand-alone photovoltaic systems
yang jin huan ; ge liang ; chen zhong hua ; wang zheng
Renewable energy sources in EU-current status, future developments and challenges
Kostantions D Patlitzianas;Argyris G Kagiannas;John Psarras
The role of Third Party Financing in promoting RES and energy efficiency projects
Argyris G Kagiannas;Kostantinos D Patlitzianas;John Psarras
Financial support possibilities for clean coal technologies-an overview
G Skodras;Ev Karlopoulos;E Kakaras
Utilisation of landfill gas for energy production-operational experience from a 13.8 MW power plant
G Skodras;P S Amarantos;E Papadopoulou;E Kakaras
Application of coal-water slurry in Shantou Wanfeng heat power plant
qiu zhuo wei ; zhang chuan ming ; zhou jun hu ; liu jian zhong
Advances in the technology of alcohol-based fuel stoves
fu xue zheng ; huang zuo zhi ; xu chao zuo ; jiang shao jian
Present situation and development of small air cooled type water heater chiller
zhang hua jun ; yan cai qiu ; li yu ; chen lin ; lu jie ; liu yong
Efficient implementation of DH technology for domestic heating in Greece
G Skodras;B Panousis;P S Amarantos;E Kakaras
neng fa dian de chuang bo li
A digital UPS of DSP-based control
li zhi yong ; qi wei ; zhuang xiao dan ; song bao ming ; wu wei zuo