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Social Sciences in Ningxia
2004 Issue 5
guo wai zhi ye jiao yu de jing yan ji jie jian
zhang jie ru
shi lun wai tao zhong " xiao ren wu " de fu chou gui hun
hui ji dong
shu fa yi shu yu wen zi shu xie
yin xu
si lu ji qi li shi shi jie : shi ji xue shu shi chuan he chun qiu pu xi xue
dang yi feng ; dang da en
Some Problems on the Research of Hui Minority
sun jun ping
Talk about the reallocation effect of the system of social security
lan chun zuo ; ren bao ping
The Theory and Policy of Inner-Development
xi chuan run ; lin yan ping
he huo qi ye cai chan de fa lv xing zhi
chen nian bing