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Ningxia Engingeering Technology
2012 Issue 3
Sailboard control system based on obliquity sensor
wei zuo ru ; zhang jian zhong ; ma tian zhu
Influence factors of tantalum wire hardness characteristics
jie yong xu ; wan qing feng ; zhang xiao ; han peng
Analysis of water quality and dynamic change for Yuehai Lake
wang wei ; tian juan ; wang xiu mei ; li jing chao ; peng xiao yun ; hong wei
Numerical simulating on underpass by shallow tunnel construction method
yang yan wei ; wang hong yu ; zhu xiao li
The energy-saving application of Porous Balance Flow meter in the RFCC
sun yan jun ; li ji wen ; xin dai ; bai zuo
ning xia gong cheng ji shu zheng gao qi shi
Exhaust waste heat utilization and energy saving of activation furnace of activated carbon from coal
zhang yu long ; zhang bing hong ; meng jiang hong ; chen shi gong
The fourth format of lattice altitude database system
wu zhi zuo ; li jian ping ; li hong xia
LabVIEW based stability evaluation for femtosecond laser light source on distance measurement
tian zuo chen ; nan zuo ; liang fei ; song you jian
Localization application of the new generation of domestic meteorological communication system
chen yu hua ; zhong hai yun ; shen yan ; cui wei
Distribution inversion of photo-thermal parameters for thick samDles under laser excitation
gao yong wei ; yu yan rong ; lv yue kai
The development application of chitosan-based in bone tissue engineering
bai yong qing ; zhang zuo
Construction technology of super deep apart soil diaphragm wall in hard and soft layer
zuo kai yun ; zhang jian xin ; cheng hong bao ; yang bao zhu ; zhang shu chao
Environmental evolution rules of Carboniferous strata in Helan Mountains area in Ningxia
li hong xia ; bai sheng ming ; jin xue qiang ; hu zhi rui