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Journal of Nantong Textile Vocational Technology College
2008 Issue 4
On Curriculum Setup of Home Textile Art Design
QIAN Xue-mei
BEC Spoken Language Test and Turn-Taking
SHI Wen-tao
Reflections on the Development of Home Textile Industry in Nantong
SHI Huang-bin;HU Ji-chun;JIN Xin
Esthetic Perspective of Tachisme
LU Qiang
Cultural Paradox of Independence of Independent Directors
ZHANG Xiao-dong
ZHANG Jian's Thinking on Using Foreign Capital
CHEN Jin-ping
LENZING Revolving Hammer Type Burring Machine's Control
WU Lin;CAI Zhi-jun
Application of Pervious Concrete System
XU Hong
Application of Non-woven Fabric to Oil Contamination Control
HOU Cui-fang;YOU Xiang-yin