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Transactions of CSICE
2015 Issue 2
Combustion and Emissions of Diesel Engine Fuelled with Pentanol Blended Fuel
LI Li;WANG Jian-xin;WANG Zhi;XIAO Jian-hua;State Key Laboratory of Automotive Safety and Energy;Tsinghua University;
Modeling on Ignition Delay Time of Dimethyl Carbonate
HU Er-jiang;PENG Cheng;LI Xiao-tian;ZHANG Zi-hang;PAN Lun;HUANG Zuo-hua;State Key Laboratory of Multiphase Flow in Power Engineering;Xi’an Jiaotong University;
Influence of Combustion Phase and EGR on Combustion and Emissions of Premixed Compression Ignition with Wide Distillation Range Fuels
DU Jia-kun;SUN Wan-chen;XIAO Sen-lin;TAN Man-zhi;LI Guo-liang;ZHAO Shu-fa;LI Jian-xiang;State Key Laboratory of Automotive Simulation and Control;Jilin University;
Experimental Investigation of Soot Formation Characteristics on Gasoline-Diesel Blend Flames
DAI Yu-jie;LIU Fu-shui;HE Xu;LIU Feng-shan;China State Shipbuilding Corporation System Engineering Research Institute;School of Mechanical Engineering;Beijing Institute of Technology;Institute for Chemical Process & Environmental Technology;National Research Council;
Effects of Micro-Structure and Components of Diesel Particulates on Oxidation Reactivity
MA Zhi-hao;LI Lei;CHAO Ying;MA Fan-hua;XU Bin;WU Jian;Vehicle and Transportation Engineering College;Henan University of Science and Technology;State Key Laboratory of Automotive Safety and Energy;Tsinghua University;
Fuel Saving Effectiveness of Spray-Guided Stratified Combustion with Centrally Mounted Multi-Hole Injector
SONG Dong-xian;XIE Hui;WANG Shuai;PEI Pei;ZHANG Xiu-zhen;WANG Yu;GAO Ding-wei;State Key Laboratory of Engines;Tianjin University;Technical Center;Great Wall Motor Company Limited;Hebei Automobile Engineering Technology& Research Center;
In-Cylinder Process Simulation of an SI Engine Based on Gasoline Surrogate Kinetic Model
LING Xin-chen;WU Feng;YAO Dong-wei;Power Machinery & Vehicular Engineering Institute;Zhejiang University;
Experimental Study and Numerical Simulation of Spray Characteristics of Ethanol-Fatty Acid Methyl Ester(FAME)Blends
SUN De-kui;FAN Xiang-shan;LI Jun-ge;WANG Jing-shan;WANG Xi-bin;State Key Laboratory of Multiphase Flow in Power Engineering;Xi’an Jiaotong University;
Chemical Kinetics on the Effects of the Main Components of EGR on n-Heptane Combustion and Emissions
ZHANG Wei;WU Wei;CHEN Gui-sheng;CHEN Zhao-hui;Yunnan Key Laboratory of Internal Combustion Engine;Kunming University of Science and Technology;
Zero-D Predictable Combustion Model Based on Neural Network and Modeling
ZHU Zhen-xia;ZHANG Fu-jun;WU Tao-tao;HAN Kai;LIU Yang-yang;PENG Qian;SHANG Hai-kun;DONG Chang-long;School of Mechanical Engineering;Beijing Institute of Technology;Hebei Huabei Diesel Engine Company Limited;
Experiment on Heat Transfer Characteristics of Subcooled Flow Boiling in a Water Jacket Simulated Channel of Diesel Engines
HUA Shi-yang;HUANG Rong-hua;CHEN Lin;YANG Zhen-huan;WANG Long-fei;School of Energy and Power Engineering;Huazhong University of Science and Technology;China North Engine Research Institute;
Feedback Control of SCR System by Cross-Sensitivity of NOx Sensor to NH3
WANG Tian-tian;YAN Fu-wu;HU Jie;HOU Jie;LONG Hao;Hubei Key Laboratory of Advanced Technology of Automotive Components;Wuhan University of Technology;Hubei Collaborative Innovation Center for Automotive Components Technology;Wuhan University of Technology;
Numerical Simulation of Micro Power Device Combustion with Catalysis
LIU Yan;WANG Qian;HE Zhi-xia;BAI Jin;WU Kai;XU Chi;School of Energy and Power Engineering;Jiangsu University;