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Inner Mongolia Environmental Sciences
2012 Issue 6
Eia current work items and trend analysis
Lv Jing1;Xu Zhitao2
bei fang de dong tian
ben kan bian ji bu
huan xun bing wang
guan jian ci
sheng yin
shu zi
Low Carbon Economy and Climate
Jia Fanlan1;Jia Xu1;Guo Li2;Jia Xiaolan3
Research Overview of Biological Effects about Ionizing Radiation
Ma Shuiying 1;Shi Sha 2;Yin Aijun 3
Studies on Environmental Economics of Inner Mongolia
Aonisi 1;Zhao Yuan 2
The utility of fly ash in water processing
Yao Jie
Treatment of Surfactant Wastewater with Membrane Bioreactor
Fan Lihua1;Zhang Ying2;Wang Haiying2
Research on Evaluation and Countermeasures to Present Status of Groud water Environment in Tianjin
Sun Jing1;Wang Lanhua2;Chen Qihua1;Wu Ben1
The current problems of Eco-environment in Alashan And countermeasures
Da Lai;Zhou Yun;Li DeJun
Inland lake eutrophication thermal infrared remote sensing information extraction technology research
Zhao Wei;Wang Xiaodong;He Na;Zhao Chunsheng
Discussion on the Water Pollution Control Current Situation and Suggestions of Inner West Liaohe River Basin
Shi Lei;Liu Wenmin;Bai Miaoxin;Wei Jingting
Xilin River environmental status and assessment of water quality
Zhang Xiaoling;Wu Yahan
Temporal and spatial variation of NDVI in LiaoHe Basin
WEI Shi1;2;ZHANG Hui2
Inner Mongolia focus on watershed pollution prevention and Control Countermeasures
Bai Miaoxin;Shi Lei;Wei Jingting;Liu Wenmin
Reserch of Power Plant Benefits Based on the Concept of Cleaner Production
Chen Liang1;Lu Quanzhong1;Ge Rile2
A Review on Urban Sewage Treatment Based on CASS
Jun Shan
Study on Correlation between CODcr and TOC of Municipal Wasterwater
Ka Lin;Chen Yuzhu;Sun Buxu
Research on Integrated Water Quota of Universities in Henan
Hu Yaping;Dong Beibei;Jiang Hongli;Gu Xihui
The study of "Nano" membrane treatment technology in hypersaline wastewater
Song Hanan1;2;Li Ming2;Zhang Lei2
Analyse the Tourism Development and Lake Influence in Wuliangsuhai Lake
Chang Zhemin;Chen Liang
SVM forecast model of the Temperature of Cement Rotary Kiln
Wang Ruixin1;Du Lixia2;Wang Junyue2;Zhang Zhefu2;Wu Ritu
Empirical study of environmental Kuznets curve in Inner Mongolia typical city
Ren Yuanzhe1;Zhao Wenjia2;3
Status and comprehensive control countermeasures of urban air pollution in China
Yang Yao1;Tai Yang2;Zhang Jun1
A Study on the Characteristics of hydrogen peroxide catalytic oxidation of humic acids
Liu Lan 1;Wang Gang2;Zhang Kun3
Bo Zhisheng;Zhang Yifeng
Preliminary Study Of Environmental Problems Caused By Surface Minging and Protection measures
Sun Fang;Gao Youna;Hao Lin;Chang Zheming
Summery of Determination of Volatile Phenols in Water
Jin Hong;Zhou Peng;Wu Hongyun;Li Na
Use dead grasses and leaves for grazing is a effective way of preventing forest fires
Zhong Mei1;Ma Yulong2;Yang Xiezehua3
Calibration Gas During the Verification of the Sulfur Dioxide Standard
Lu Guangshan;Li Jian;Li Yongliang
Comparison of Two Benzo[a]pyrene Extraction Methods in Atmosphere
Shi Xiaolong;Yan Haixia;Wang Fang
Analysis of environmental monitoring technology status quo
Situ Yangjing;Bai Jing
The detection method and control of indoor formaldehyde pollution
Zhu Jingwen;Diao Shuo
How to effectively carry out quality supervision work
Ren Yanbing;Jiang Ling;Jiao Yun
The Soil of Meili Idustrial Park Pollution Characters and Trends
Jin Hui;Han Zengyu
Pon der over environmend moniror system and manage
Qi Qige