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Nankai Journal(Philosophy,Literature and Social Science Edition) 
2002 Issue 2
wei wu shi guan yu zhong guo shi xue fa zhan
zuo lin dong
wei wu shi guan yu zhong guo xian dai shi xue chuan tong
hu feng xiang
Lao Zi's Taoism:A Contemporary Analysis and Interpretation
liu wen ying
The Globalization of Economy and Modern Capitalism
he zi li
The Management Theory of the Western Non-Profit Organizations and its Significance for Reference
xie zuo xin ; zhang jin cheng ; zong jia feng
On Military Bounty Land in U. S. Land System
kong qing shan
On Lycurgi Constitutional Reform
liu xiao rong
"Humanitarian Intervention" the Myth and the American Ideology
zhang zuo zhuang