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Acta Scientiarum Naturalium Universitatis Nankaiensis(Natural Science Edition)
2013 Issue 3
Syntheses, Structures and DNA-cleavage of Three New Macrocyclic Oxamido Ni(Ⅱ) Complex Ligands
Ding Beibei;Li Shanghao;Ma Zhigang;Hao Pengpeng;Li Xiaozeng;Zhu Lina;Department of Chemistry;Tianjin University;Department of Chemical Engineering;Renai College of Tianjin University;
Synthesis of Cathode Material LiFePO4/C of Lithium Ion Battery Using Iron Sludge as Raw Material
Chang Xiaolong;Tian Jianhua;Shan Zhongqiang;School of Chemical Engineering and Technology;Tianjin University;
Density Function Theoretical Study on Isomerization Reaction Mechanism of Glycine
Meng Xiangjun;Department of Chemistry;Tangshan Normal College;
The Cracking of 1-Butene on Barium Modified MCM-49 Zeolite
Yang Xiaochun;Yang Jing;Shang Yongchen;Department of Chemistry;Tangshan Teachers College;Department of Chemistry;Harbin Normal University;
Production and Structure Identification of ε-Poly-L-lysine from Streptomyces albulus NK49
Geng Weitao;Gu Yanyan;Xie Chengeng;Wang Xiaomeng;Yang Chao;Xu Daoqing;Song Cunjiang;Wang Shufang;College of Life Sciences;Nankai University;Tianjin Zhongxin Pharmaceutical Group Corporation Limited;State Key Laboratory of Medicinal Chemical Biology;Nankai University;
Preparation of hTERTsiRNA Loaded Functionalized Graphene and Its Influence on Hela
Niu Gaoli;Zhu jianping;Xu ming;Yang Xiaoying;Wen Yuku;Chen Yongsheng;Liaoning Medical University Affiliated No.1Hospital;Biotherapeutics Center;Wuxi Dongfang Tumor Hospital;Tianjin Key Laboratory on Technologies Enabling Development of Clinical Therapeutics and Diagnostics;Tianjin Medical University;Liaoning Medical University Affiliated No.1 Hospital;Center for Nanoscale Science and Technology and Key Laboratory of Functional Polymer Materials;College of Chemistry;Nankai University;
Isolation,Identification, Degradation Characterization and Applied Research of Hydrocarbons-degrading strain HL-6
Huang Lei;Xie Jing;Wang Fangmei;Lian Jingyan;Shi Xiaofeng;Liang Fenglai;School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering;Tianjin University of Technology;College of Life Sciences;Nankai University;
Taxonomy of theStreptomycesstrain PW638 Producing α-Amylase/Glucosidase Inhibitor and Fermentation, Properties,and Application of Its Products
Meng Peng;Zhang Chen;Bai Fang;Bai Gang;College of Pharmarcy and Tianjin Key Laboratory of Molecular Drug Research;Nankai University;
Empirical Study on Value at Risk of China’ s Small and Medium Enterprises Board Based on GARCH-VaR model
Zhou Aimin;Chen Yuan;Department of Finance;School of Economics;Nankai University;
The G-S Function of the Dual Model with Dependence
Xue Ying;Liu Peng;Wang Jiajia;School of Mathematical Sciences;Baotou Normal University;School of Mathematical Sciences;Nankai University;
A Nonparametric Multivariate Control Chart
Zhou Maoyuan;Geng Wei;Science College;Civil Aviation University of China;School of Mathematical Sciences;Nankai University;
On Domination of Orientations and Their Reverses in Graphs
Tian Ye;Zhang Yuqin;School of Sciences;Tianjin University;
Monte Carlo Study of the Self-assembly of Amphiphilic Triblock Copolymer Brushes in Selective Solvents
Xu Jihua;Yin Yuhua;Wang Zheng;Jiang Run;Li Baohui;College of Physics Science;Nankai University;
Design of a Minimized RFID Micro-strip Antenna
Li Guangfu;Jin jie;Liu Qingshuang;Meng Qingbin;School of Electronic Information Engineering;Tianjin University;
ECG Acquisition and Processing System Based on S3C2440 and ADS1294
Lai Yue;Xiao Chunxian;Ma Chao;Zhu Jiang;Chen Yang;Communication and Embedded System Laboratory;College of Information Technical Science;Nankai University;
Research on Solution of 3PL Intelligent Warehouse Management with RFID
Jin Zhe;Sun Xin;Song Ling;Shi Guangshun;Electrical Engineering Department;Tianjin Metallurgical Vocation-Technology Institute;Training Department;China Armed Police Command College;College of Information Technical Science;Nankai University;
A Dual-frequency Microstrip Patch Antenna Based on Composite Right/Left-Handed Transmission Line
Liu Qingshuang;Jin Jie;Kong Xi;Meng Qingbin;School of Electronic Information Engineering;Tianjin University;
Fabrication and Optical Properties of Asymmetric Metal Spherical Shell Structure
Yan Weiguo;Li Zubin;Tian Jianguo;Key Laboratory of Weak-Light Nonlinear Photonics;Ministry of Education;Teda Applied Physics School;Nankai University;Department of Physics;Tianjin Chengjian University;