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Acta Scientiarum Naturalium Universitatis Nankaiensis(Natural Science Edition)
2007 Issue 4
A Separable Normed Space that is Isometric to a Hamel Base of Itself
Ileana Diamandescu;Adrian Duma
The Applications of Empirical Range Test and χ2 Test
Wu Chunjie;Wang Zhaojun;Zhao Yi
Ruin Probability for Negative Binomial(2) Risk Process
Bai Lihua
Hotelling's Competition for Price and Location of Differentiated Products with Elastic Demand
Luo Yong;Tu Fengsheng;Peng Tiegen;Wei Jie
The Expected Penalty Function in the Erlang(2) Risk Model Perturbed by Diffusion
Xing Yongsheng;Ma Jianjing
Experimental Study of Large-mode-area(LMA) Ytterbium-doped Double-cladding Fiber Amplifier Based on Totally Nation-produced Components
Guo Zhancheng;Jia Xiujie;Fu Shenggui;Liu Yange;Si Libin;Zhang Jian;Yuan Shuzhong;Dong Xiaoyi
The Research about Look-ahead Alignment Problem for Space-earth Satellite Laser Communication.
Xiao Junying;Rong Jian;Si Minshan;Wu Hong;Zhang Li
Design Implementation of Volume Holographic Storage
Hao Ming;An Gang;Huang Dagang;Liu Yinghui;Lu Guizhang
The Investigation of the Photorefractive Centers in Iron Doped Nearly Stoichiomtric Lithium Niobate Crystals
Li Xiaochun;Kong Yongfa;Liu Hongde;Chen Shaolin;Liu Shiguo;Zhang Ling;Huang Ziheng
Polarized Light Backscattering Mueller Matrix Patterns from Biological Tissue
Zhang Lianshun;Tian Jianguo;Wen Hongsheng;Qi Shengwen;Liu Yongliang;Zhang Chunping
The Preparation of Fe(Pd)P Alloy Particle and its Effect Factors
Ren Jili;Han Changxiu;Zhang Baogui
Theoretical Study for the Interaction between Glycine and Divalent Metal Cations
He Qin;Wang Kecheng;Zhou Lixin
Synthesis, Characterization and ab initio Calculation of Nickel-containing Superoxide Dismutase Mimic
Yue Junjie;Song Wenhua;Ding Feng;Jin Xinglong
QSAR Study on Herbicides from Quinclorac Esters
Ding Feng;Song Wenhua;Yue Junjie;Hu Weixuan
Rare Male Culture from Artemia Parthenogenetica of Gahai and its Cross Breeding with Artemia Sinica
Liu Fengqi;Xiang Jianhai;Liu Guomin;Bu Wenjun;Ji Bingchun;Liu Anxi
Anatomical Studies on The Primary Vasculature System in Gledistsia Sinensis Lam of Seedling
Huang Yanan;Gu Song;Jiang Sha;Huang Junzhe;Zheng Qiang;Chen Xuhui;Xu Ke;Tian Junying
Effects of Salt Stress on the Seed Germination of Apocynum Venetum
Zhang Xiuling;Li Ruili;Shi Fuchen
Establishment of High Frequency Regeneration System Via Somatic Embryogenesis and Secondary Embryogenesis for Alfalfa
Sun Yanxiang;Yang Hongmei;Yin Jun;Zhu Yerong;Wang Ningning;Wang Yong