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Journal of Nanjing Institute of Technology(Natural Science Edition)
2005 Issue 3
A Face Recognition Approach Based on Wavelet and PCA and Its Realization
CHENG Yong;RONG Hong-jun
Physical Nonlinear Analysis of Semi-Rigid Composite Joints
GUO Yi-qing;HU Xia-min
A Design of Automatic Fault Detection Equipment for Electric Drive System Based on Vehicle
WANG Li-min;RUI Xiong-li;LU Lü-hao
Design of System Software of Card Based on PCI Bus
Design and Simulation of FQVC System in Substation
LI Sheng;CHEN Xin-ji
Modeling and Simulation of 440 t/h CFB Boiler Based on the JSSC System
ZHANG Zhong-lin;KONG Ling-sheng;ZHU Jin-rong
A Realization of Network Classroom with ASP
LI Ming