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Southern Cultural Forum
2002 Issue 1
"xin " yu yi zhong cun zai fang shi
wang guang dong
Present-day Criticism of "The Presentday Critic"
ben kan bian ji bu
Something About Modern Times·Romance·Folk
chen si he
dang dai xiao shuo de shuang zhong xing
zhang zhu lin
bu ru xie zuo
yang ying chuan
The Runaway Fairy Tale
chen xiao ming
The Intoxicating Authority, Nonsensical Freedom & Others
li jian jun
Big Award for Art: The Game Justice and Game Amusement
hao jian
"An Academic Project Corresponding to the Top of a Pyramid"
chen ding jia
Two Kinds of Games: Fiction Writings by Xu Kun and Pipi
xu zuo
What Will Become of Those Music-learning Children?
deng shuang lin
wu se de ji yi ( di jing zhuang zhi you ji bo li 2001)
wang shao jun