Preparation and immunoprotective efficacy evaluation of recombinant H7N9 influenza vaccines
CHEN Rui;DUAN Yueqiang;ZHAO Zhongpeng;ZHANG Liangyan;XING Li;LIU Na;ZHANG Li;ZHOU Ya;WANG Xiliang;YANG Penghui;Department of Pathogenic Biology and Medical Immunology;School of Basic Medical Sciences;Ningxia Medical University;Institute of Microbiology and Epidemiology;Academy of Military Medical Science;State Key Laboratory of Pathogen and Biosecurity;Department of Care Medicne;NO.302 Hospital of PLA;Health Division;Guard Bureau of Headquarters of the General Staff;
Preparation and application of monoclonal antibody for human testis-specific conserved gene hT279
YAN Qiuxia;LI Jiehua;CHEN Cairong;XIAN Yingjie;ZHOU Xiuqin;CHEN Runqiang;CAI Zhiming;TANG Aifa;Center for Reproductive Medicine;People’s Hospital of Qingyuan Affiliated to Medical College of Jinan University;Department of Clinical Laboratory;People’s Hospital of Qingyuan Affiliated to Medical College of Jinan University;Department of Scientific Research and Education;Shenzhen Second People’s Hospital Affiliated to Shenzhen University;