Detection of anti-CEA antibody by ABC-CELISA
ZHANG Yan qi 1;DU Xian tang 2;WANG Dong sheng 2;JIANG Ru tong 1;NIE Xiao guang 1;BAI Hong can 1 (1.Department of Oncology; Henan Provincial Corps Hospital; Chinese People’s Armed Police Forces; Zhengzhou 450052;China;2.Department of Microbiol
CCL chemokines and allergic rhinitis
ZHU Jin 1; WU Jun 2;ZHENG Jun song 2 (1.Department of Otorhinolarynology; Southwest Hospital;Third Military Medical Vniversity;Chongqing 400038; China; 2. Burn Institute of Third Military Medical University; Institute of Transplantation; Chongqing 4