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Coal Science and Technology
2015 Issue 1
Application of brillouin optical time domain analysis in strata movement similar material simulation experiment
CHAI Jing;WANG Zheng-shuai;YUAN Qiang;LI Yi;WANG Shuai;LI Ting-bo;School of Energy Engineering;Xi’an University of Science and Technology;Key Laboratory of Western Mine Exploitation and Hazard Prevention of Ministry of Education;Chongqing Research Institute Co.;Ltd.;China Coal Technology and Engineering Group;
Application and prospect of super-high-water packing material in mining engineering
FENG Guang-ming;JIA Kai-jun;SHANG Bao-bao;School of Mining Engineering;China University of Mining and Technology;State Key Laboratory of Coal Resources and Safety Mining;
juan shou yu
wang jin hua ;
Rock burst prevention and control technology of mine driving gateway passing through mining terminal line in contiguous seams
LAN Hang;DU Tao-tao;Department of Mining and Design;Tiandi Science and Technology Company Limited;Rock Mechanics and Mine Support Technical Committee;China Coal Society;
Deformation mechanism of roadway surrounding rock with large deformation and control technology under difficult conditions
YU Wei-jian;YUAN Yue;WANG Wei-jun;Hunan Key Laboratory of Safe Mining Techniques of Coal Mines;Hunan University of Science and Technology;School of Energy and Safety Engineering;Hunan University of Science and Technology;
Study on micro-seismic distribution characteristics of high-position and ultra thick hard overlying strata under repeated mining
JIANG Jin-quan;ZHANG Pei-peng;PAN Li-you;CHEN Li-qiang;LI Fu-chen;Institute of Mining Engineering;Shandong University of Science and Technology;Baodian Coal Mine;Yanzhou Coal Mining Company Limited;
Study on stability of district sublevel coal pillar with longwall face re-mining in shallow depth coal seam
ZHANG Bin;WANG Cun-wen;TAN Hong-shan;SHI Xian-feng;CHENG Gong;Liangbaosi Energy Co.;Ltd.;Shandong Energy Feicheng Mining Group;School of Civil and Environmental Engineering;University of Science and Technology Beijing;
Research on strata behaviors law of bolting with wire mesh roadway affected by strong dynamic pressure
GAO Fu-quan;XUE Ji-sheng;YIN Xi-wen;China Coal Pingshuo Group Co.;Ltd.;Mining and Design Dapartment;Tiandi Science and Technology Company Ltd.;Coal Mining & Designing Branch;China Coal Research Institute;
Numerical simulation research on prediction of mine inflow
LUO Zu-jiang;LI Zhao;REN Hu-jun;School of Earth Science and Engineering;Hohai University;No. 3 Hydrogeological Team;China National Administration of Coal Geology;
Study on mechanism and control technology of rock burst near open-off cut
XU Sheng-ming;JIANG Fu-xing;CHEN Yong-quan;College of Safety Science and Engineering;Henan Polytechnic University;Henan Administration of Coal Mine Safety;School of Civil and Environmental Engineering;University of Science and Technology Beijing;
Study on high reliability data-processing system for in-situ stress measurements
JIA Jin-he;XING Chang-hai;Coal Mining and Designing Department;Tiandi Science & Technology Co.;Ltd.;Inner Mongolia Yitai Coal Co.;Ltd.;
Research progress and development direction of gas control with mine hydraulic technology in China coal mine
YUAN Liang;LIN Bai-quan;YANG Wei;National Engineering and Research Center of Mine Gas Control;China University of Mining and Technology;
Discussion on technical access to realize safety and high efficient mining in outburst mine
HU Qian-ting;National Key Lab of Gas Disaster Monitoring and Control and Emergency Technology;Chongqing Research Institute Company Limited;China Coal Technology and Engineering Group;
Optimization on parameters of long distance forced and short distance exhausted ventilation system in mine rock heading roadway
JIANG Zhong-an;YAN Peng;CHEN Ju-shi;ZHANG Zhong-yi;School of Civil and Environment Engineering;University of Science and Technology Beijing;
Influence of inhibitor to primary and secondary oxidation features of residual coal in goaf
DENG Jun;AI Shao-wu;MA Li;HU An-peng;REN Li-feng;LI Bei;School of Energy;Xi’an University of Science and Technology;MOE Key Lab of Mining and Disaster Prevention and Control in Western Mine;Xi’an University of Science and Technology;
Spontaneous combustion three zones determination and fire control technology in goaf under different ventilation volume
DUAN Chun-sheng;LEI Yan-yun;LI Shi-xiong;XU Jin-zhong;XU Yong-liang;Shanxi Hequ Jinshen Ciyaogou Coal Industry Company Limited;School of Safety Science and Engineering;Henan Polytechnic University;
Completed gas drainage technology with downward borehole for high outburst seam opening in deep mine
SHAN Jia-yong;Anhui University of Science and Technology;
Fine dust prevention and control technology of rapid fully-mechanized working face in wetting difficultly seam
MA Wei;LIU Yong;CHEN Fang;Chongqing Research Institute;China Coal Technology and Engineering Group;
Development status and key technology of mine electric driving trackless transportation vehicles
WANG Bu-kang;JIN Jiang;YUAN Xiao-ming;Taiyuan Research Institute Company Limited;China Coal Technology and Engineering Group;
Research on intelligent intrinsically safe camera for unmanned fully-mechanized coal mining face
NIU jian-feng;Beijing Tiandi-Marco Electronic-Hydraulic Control System Company Ltd.;
Performance analysis and design on mine small type monopole ultra wideband antenna
TIAN Zi-jian;LEI Jing;WANG Wen-qing;School of Electromechanic and Information Engineering;China University of Mining and Technology;School of Electric and Information Engineering;Beijing Polytechnic College;
Analysis on mechanic and hydraulic collaborated simulation of height adjusting system in coal shearer
ZENG Qing-liang;ZHANG Hai-zhong;WANG Cheng-long;LI Sheng-wen;REN Yan;School of Mechanic and Electric Engineering;Shandong University of Science and Technology;Shandong Energy Machinery Group Corporation Limited;
zheng ding qi shi
Research on sinking platform structure and steel selection of deep and large shaft
WANG Yu-feng;LIU Zhi-qiang;LI Xing-fu;WANG Bo;Beijing Energy Investment Holding Co.;Ltd.;State Key Laboratory of Geomechanics and Deep Underground Engineering;School of Mechanics & Civil Engineering;China University of Mining and Technology;
Study on whole space transient electromagnetic method prospect three dimensional numerical modeling of gob water
YU Jing-cun;CHANG Jiang-hao;SU Ben-yu;JIANG Zong-lin;ZHOU Si-hui;School of Resources and Geosciences;China University of Mining and Technology;Xi’an Research Institute of China Coal Technology & Engineering Group Corporation;
Study on processing method of seismic reflection wave field for advanced detection of mine gateway
LIU Sheng-dong;YU Sen-lin;WANG Bo;ZHANG Xia-yang;State Key Laboratory of Deep Geomechanics & Underground Engineering;China University of Mining and Technology;School of Resource and Earth Science;China University of Mining and Technology;
Transient electromagnetic method detecting technology of water-bearing occurence of aquifers in three-soft coal seam overlying rocks
YU Shi-jian;College of Mining and Safety Engineering;Shandong University of Science and Technology;
Tomography of transmission in-seam wave attenuation coefficient and detection of collapse columns
WANG Ji;LI Jian-zheng;WU Hai;WANG Bao-li;HU Ji-wu;JI Guang-zhong;Xi’an Research Institute of China Coal Technology & Engineering Group Corporation;Shanxi Tiandi Wangpo Coal Mining Co.;Ltd;
Research status on technology of advanced detection by electromagnetic methods in mine laneway
ZHANG Ping-song;HU Xiong-wu;School of Earth and Environment;Anhui University of Science and Technology;
Experimental study on seismic while mining for underground coal mine reflection survey
QIN Si;CHENG Jian-yuan;Xi’an Research Institute of China Coal Technology & Engineering Group Corporation;
Zero discharge technology and solution idea of waste water from new coal chemistry
HE Xu-wen;WANG Chun-rong;School of Chemistry and Environment Engineering;China University of Mining and Technology;
Analysis on reaction process of underground coal gasification and stable control technique
LIU Shu-qin;CHEN Feng;PANG Xu-lin;DU Ming-hua;ZHANG Ming;China University of Mining and Technology;ENN Gasification and Mining Company Limited;
Application status and development prospect of coal water mixture technology in china
DUAN Qing-bing;Energy Saving Engineering and Technology Branch;China Coal Research Institute Company Limited;National Research Center of Coal and Water Mixture Engineering and Technology;National Key Lab of Coal Resource Mining and Environment Protection;National Energy Key Lab of Coal High Efficient Utilization;Energy Saving and Emission Reduction Technology and Equipment;
Study on inverting calculation of ignition point depth in coal waste pile based on ignition source model
HU Zhen-qi;GAO Yang;SU Wei-yue;XIA Qing;ZENG Ji-yong;Research Institute of Land Reclamation and Ecological Restoration;China University of Mining and Technology;MOE Engineering Research Center of Mine Ecology and Safety;
Study on relationship between energy integration and low carbon development in coal mining area
ZHANG Shi-qiang;LI Yue;School of Economics and Management;Shandong University of Science and Technology;School of Mining and Safety Engineering;Shandong University of Science and Technology;
High efficient recovery technology and application of afterheat from mine air compressor
WANG Chun;XIAO Yong-hong;ZHANG Yan-ming;Jincheng Company Limited;Shanxi Coal Transportation and Sales Group;Shanxi Mingxinlong Coal Mine Machinery and Equipment Company Limited;