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Coal Engineering
2014 Issue 3
Optimized Design on Stripping Distribution Engineering in Steering Period of Mining Block in Heidaigou Surface Mine
MA Jin-yan;CAI Qing-xiang;LIU Fu-ming;CHEN Shu-zhao;XIAO Guo-qiang;School of Mining Engineering;China University of Mining and Technology;National Key Lab of Coal Resources and Safety Mining;China University of Mining and Technology;China National Coal Import and Export Corporation;
Improved Two Stage Method and Application to Site Selection of Coal Underground Gasification to Natural Gas Project
Duan Tian-hong;ZHOU Li-min;WANG Zuo-tang;HE Sheng;WANG Chun-jun;WU Fu-qing;School of Mining Engineering;China University of Mining and Technology;National Key Lab of Coal Resources and Safety Mining;China University of Mining and Technology;MOE Key Laboratory of Deep Coal Resources Mining;
Study on Mining Feasibility of Steep Inclined Seam Group in Tuanba and Baozi Minefields of Huayingshan Coalfield
LIU Xiao-hua;YANG Bo;Sichuan Coal Design and Research Institute;
Design on Mixed Mining Plan of Coal Resources under Building,Railway and Water Body After Integration of Zhaozhuang Mine
ZHANG Lei;CHANG Qing;Beijing Huayu Engineering Company Limited;Shanxi Gaoping Hexing Zhaozhuang Mining Company Limited;
kan shou yu
Optimized Analysis on Vertical Layout Coal Pillar Size in Lower Level Seam
LIU Xin-jie;WANG Qing;DAI Jin;School of Resources and Safety Engineering;China University of Mining and Technology;Zhaoguan Mine;Shandong Energy Xinwen Mining Group;Taishan School of Science and Technology;Shandong University of Science and Technology;
Review on Contents and Significances on Drawings of Mine Flameproof Electric Equipment
LI Hong-mei;China Coal Technology and Engineering Group Taiyuan Institute;
Study on Compression of Voice Signal in Mine Wireless Through-the-earth Communication
ZHAO Hong-yu;TAO Jin-yi;WANG Yuan-yuan;CHEN Yue-ru;School of Electrical and Power Engineering;Taiyuan University of Technology;
Workshop Three Dimension Design of Coal Preparation Plant Based on SolidWorks
HUANG Bo;WEI Bin;LI Zhi-yong;GE Xian-hao;School of Chemical and Environmental Engineering;China University of Mining and Technology;Beijing Huayu Engineering Corporation Limited;China Coal Technology and Engineering Group;
Study and Application of Drilling and Blasting Heading Technology to Deep Mine Rock Roadway
CHEN Qun-zhong;Yongcheng Coal and Electricity Group Co.;Ltd.;Chensilou Coal Mine;
Freezing Shaft Design Plan and Construction Technology of Mine Auxiliary Shaft
XUE Yi-hong;Hanju Coal Industry Limited Company;Shanxi China Coal Huajin Group;
Support Technology of Large Span Open-Off Cut for Fully Mechanized Slice Coal Mining Face in Thick Seam with Soft Roof,Soft Coal and Soft Floor
WANG Meng;YANG Ke;ZHAO Pei-yu;YAN Shu-yuan;MA Hong-ye;School of Energy and Safety;Anhui University of Science and Technology;MOE Key Lab of Southwestern Resource Development and Environment Disaster Control Engineering;Research Institute of Special Mining;Huainan Mining Industry Corporation Limited;Anhui University of Science and Technology;
Lining Method of Excavation Profile Line for Construction of Mine Simplified Three Centered Arch Roadway
ZHANG Gang;Chongqing Qianniu Construction Engineering Company Limited;
Study and Application of Fully Mechanized Excavation Quick Construction Technology in Large Cross Section Rock Roadway
SUN Mi-yin;School of Energy;Henan Polytechnic University;China Pingmei Shenma group;
Study on Construction and Control Technology of Mine Soft Rock Roadway Passing Through Broken Zone of Fault
JIANG Kang-qian;WANG Liang-hai;Liuzhuang Coal Mine;SDIC Xinji Energy CO.;Ltd.;
Study on Safety Mining Technology of China First 450 m Ultra Long Fully Mechanized Coal Mining Face
SONG Li-bing;WANG Qing-xiong;Halagou Mine;Shenhua Shendong Coal Group Corporation;
Study on Protection Effect of Protective Seam Mining Under Condition of High Gas Drainage
LI Yao;LI Jun-jian;SHI Bi-ming;LI Hao;School of Energy and Safety;Anhui University of Science and Technology;Huainan Coal Mining Group Corporation Limited;PanSan Coal Mine;
Effect Analysis and Technology Optimization of Gas Drainage with Roof High Level Strike Borehole
YANG Ya-li;Anhui Hengyuan Coal-Electricity Group Co.;Ltd;
Design and Application of Negative Pressure Dust Collector to Dry Borehole Drilling Site in Seam Gateway
YU Guo-lin;FAN Heng;HUANG Xiao-yuan;LI Zhi-li;No. 1 Mine;Yungaishan Mine Yongjin Energy Company Limited;
Study on Disaster Control Method of Room Mining Goaf with Shallow Mining Depth
ZHANG Yong-ai;Coal Production Department;Inner Mongolia Yitai Coal Company Limited;
Analysis and Project Verification on Pressure Released Gas Drainage Mechanism of Closed Distance Seam Group
LIU Jian-gao;Huajin Coking Coal Company Limited;
Study on Stability Control of Upward Fully Mechanized Top Coal Caving Face Ends in Soft and Thick Coal Seam
PAN Wei-dong;KONG De-zhong;WANG Zhao-hui;LUAN He-bing;WANG Chuang;WANG Yan-liang;State key laboratory of coal resources and safe mining;School of Resources and Safety Engineering;China University of Mining and Technology;
Analysis on Plastic Zone in Surround Rock of Mine Circular Type Gateway in Non-Uniform Stress Field with Centre Main Stress Considered
LI Tao;ZHAO Guang-ming;MENG Xiang-rui;ZHANG Xiao-bo;School of Energy and Safety;Anhui University of Science and Technology;MOE Key Lab of Southwest Resource Mining and Environment Disaster Control Engineering;Chongqing University;
Study on Asymmetric Deformation of Mining Gateway Under Mining Goaf
SUN Xiao-kang;WANG Lian-guo;ZHU Shuang-shuang;HU Min-jun;ZHANG Guang-hui;National Key Lab of Deep Geomechanics and Underground Engineering;China University of Mining and Technology;School of Mechanics and Civil Engineering;China University of Mining and Technology;
Study on Coal Leakage and Falling Mechanism and Control Technology of Face Ends in High Cutting Coal Mining Face with Soft and Broken Roof
DUAN Chang-chen;TU Min;GUAN Jie;ZHANG Xiang-yang;FU Bao-jie;ZHANG Hua-lei;School of Mining and Safety;Anhui University of Science and Technology;
Study on Numerical Simulation of Interferences Between Stratum Interfaces of Coal Bed Methane Well in Panzhuang Block
YAO Shuai;WU Cai-fang;LI Teng;School of Resources and Geosciences;China University of Mining and Technology;MOE Key Lab of Coal Bed Methane Resources and Reservoir Formation Process;China University of Mining and Technology;
Numerical Simulation Study on Paste-like Slurry Flow at Elbow Section of Paste Material Transportation Pipeline
HUANG Yu-cheng;DONG Yu;XU Bao-guo;WANG Zi-sheng;LV Yan-kui;School of Resources and Safety Engineering;China University of Mining and Technology;Beijing Polytechnic College;
Study on Cracking Mechanism of Two Lining in Double Arch Tunnel Based on 3D Visualization
XU Cheng-bin;Wuhan Design and Research Institute;China Coal Technology and Engineering Group;
Review on Capture and Utilization Technology of Carbon Dioxide in Coal-fired Power Plant
JI Long;Zeng Ming;School of Chemical and Environmental Engineering;China University of Mining and Technology;
Study on Braking Pressure Dynamic Features of Full Hydraulic Braking System in Rubber Tire Vehicle
LIU Jie;National Engineering Lab of Mining and Excavation Machinery Equipment Applied in Coal Mine;Taiyuan Research Institute;China Coal Technology and Engineering Group;
Experimental Study on Deslime-flotation Process and the Roughing-cleaning Process
QU Wang;XIE Guang-yuan;PENG Yao-li;LIU Bo;School of Chemical Engineering and Technology;China University of Mining and Technology;
Study on Coal Blending Technology of Shihao Coal Preparation Plant
LI Xue-wu;Shihao Coal Preparation Plant;Henan Dayou Energy Company Limited;
Analysis on Correlation Between Carbon Emission and Economic Development in Xinjiang
SONG Mei;XIE Peng;State Key Laboratory of Coal Resources and Safe Mining;China University of Mining and Technology;School of Management;China University of Mining and Technology;
Analysis on Numerical Simulation of Mine Thermoregulation with Thermal Tube Bolt in High-Cold Area
BAI Tian-yin;GUAN Wei-ming;LI Hu-wei;School of Safety Engineering;China University of Mining and Technology;School of Geoexploration and Mining Engineering;Xinjiang University;
Three-phase Short-circuit Fault Voltage Sag Detection Based on S Transform
ZHONG Fei;SHAO Ru-ping;School of Automation and Electrical Engineering;Nanjing University of Technology;
Study on Three Phase Reversible PWM Rectifier Based on Sliding-mode Control
ZHU Zhong-peng;LI Liang-guang;XU Qian-nan;School of Electric and Information Engineering;Anhui University of Science and Technology;
Discussion on Exploration Methods of Coal Resources in Areas with Complex Geologic Conditions
WEI Ying-chun;CAO Dai-yong;XIA Yong-yi;ZHANG Qiang;LI You-fei;WEI Zhen-dai;ZHU Wen-wei;Collage of Geoscience and Surveying Engineering;China University of Mining and Technology;Anhui Bureau of Coal Geological Exploration;
Study on Adsorption and Desorption Features of Coal Reservoir in Bide Santang Basin Under Multi Seam Condition
WANG Meng;WU Cai-fang;MOE Key Lab of Coal Bed Methane Resources and Reservoir Formation Process;China University of Mining and Technology;School of Resources and Geosciences;China University of Mining and Technology;
Optimized Design on Idler Shaft of Coal Shearer Based on ANSYS Workbench
SHAO Kun;Department of Electrical and Mechanical Engineering;Henan Polytechnic;
Design on Detection Sensor of Roof Bed Separation in Mine Roadway Based on ZigBee
LI Xue-zhe;FENG Xiao-hui;HU Xing-zhi;ZHANG You-dong;Institute of Mechatronics Technology and Application;North China Institute of Science and Technology;
Design and Simulation on Detection and Warning Device of Gas Concentration Based on Single Chip Microcomputer
ZHANG Tao;School of Electronic and Information Engineering;North China Institute of Science and Technology;
Application and Design on Monitoring and Measuring Device of Mining Dynamic Cracking Development Features of Surface Ground
WANG Xin-jing;HU Zhen-qi;YANG Yao-qi;WANG Pei-jun;GUO Yu-ming;Institute of Land Reclamation and Ecological Restoration;China University of Mining and Technology;
Study on Mining and Excavation Management Information System Based on IDSS
WANG Peng-fei;XING Cun-en;LIAO Bao-ming;SHEN Gui-yang;School of Mining Engineering;Taiyuan University of Technology;
Application of Access Control Model in Coal Quality Management Information System
ZHANG Xiao-yan;YANG Yang;School of Computer Science and Technology;Xi’an University of Science and Technology;
More Measures Simultaneously Applied to Promote Village Relocations and Settlements in Mining Subsidence Area
LIU Da-sheng;GAO Li-kui;Land Expropriation and Relocation Department;SDIC Xinji Energy Company Limited;Design Institute;SDIC Xinji Energy Company Limited;
Practices and Inspiration on Services in Quality Guarantee Period of Vietnam Coal Project
YUE Cai-kun;YAN Guang-bai;Beijing Huayu Engineering Company Limited;China Coal Technology and Engineering Group;
Establishment on “Three Links”Supervision Mode of Construction Engineering Quality Based on Full Service Life Period
HAN Guo-bo;GAO Quan-chen;Capital Construction Department;North China Institute of Science and Technology;School of Mechanics and Civil Engineering;China University of Mining and Technology;