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Coal Engineering
2005 Issue 12
Quality control of highway embankment made with coal refuse
FANG Lei;XU Ming-jun
Coal construction project and pricing of project work list
ZHANG Yu-qiu
Comments on construction supervision of highway project
A Kind of Management Model on Strengthening the Conception of Safety
MENG Hao;WANG Yan-hui
Optimized method of production plan for coal enterprise
CHEN Guo-hua
Research on underground mine rapid electric leakage protection technology
LIN Xue-yan;FU Xing-wu
Application of spiral technology to improve lump coal rate
WANG De-zhang
Research on magnetized water to improve concrete strength
LI Zhi-peng
Finite element analysis on loading feature and characteristics of pile foundation
ZHANG Jian-xin;WU Dong-yun
Mine shaft sinking technology to open seam with potential outburst danger
XU Hui-dong;WANG Min-jian
Discussion on choice of CST driving method
ZHANG Jun;JIA Chun-yu
Principle and design of mechanism for pin slot speed reducer
song yan ; tao xiu xiang ; zhang jian xun
Present status and development on heavy medium cyclone coal preparation technology for slime
zhang yue qiu ; xie guang yuan ; yu he sheng
Discussion on foundation design of steel structure workshop building
Some issues to be attention to in curtain design
ZHENG Si-qi;XU Chuan-zhi
Research on reliability fuzzy evaluation of mine surface production building structures
LI Qin-shan;GAO Shan-ling;WANG Yuan;LIU Jian-fei;CHEN Wei-hong
Research on auto control system of chain tension for AFC
SONG Yuan-jing;XU Guang-ming
Research on support structure selection for deep foundation pit
yang li na ; zuo yan qing ; jing yan lin
Discussion on improvement of mine environment weather
liu zuo ; mei guo dong ; wen hu ; deng jun
Discussion on gas control at corner of air return way in fully mechanized coal mining face
cheng le tuan ; xie wen qiang ; li yue guang
Discussion on fully mechanized shortwall coal mining in Datong Mining Area
HUANG Qing-guo;ZHAO Jun