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Journal of Triticeae Crops
2007 Issue 2
Proteome Analysis of Slow-rusting Variety Chuanmai 107 Inoculated by Wheat Stripe Rust (Puccina striiformis)
LIANG Gen-yun;JI Hong-li;ZHANG Zhen-yu;WEI Hui-ting;KANG Zhen-sheng;PENG Yun-liang;LI Yue-jian
Effect of Pruning Root in Grain Filling Stage on Yield and Physiological Characteristic of Winter Wheat
GUO Cui-hua;MIAO Guo-yuan;GAO Zhi-qiang
Change of Wheat Starch Content and Endogenous Hormone During Seed Developing and Their Relationship
FAN Gao-qiong;YANG Wen-yu;SHAO Qing-qin;REN Wan-jun;LIU Fan
Effect of Nitrogen Application Stage on the Index of Leave Senescence for Spring Wheat Mulched with Plastic Films
QU Jian-dong;GAO Yu-hong;NIU Jun-yi;GAI Yue;WANG He-ling;LI Xing-tao
Effect of Post-anthesis Waterlogging on Flag Leaf Photosynthetic Characteristics and Yield in Wheat
TAN Wei-na;DAI Ting-bo;JING Qi;CAO Wei-xing;JIANG Dong
Effects of Different Soil Water Deficits on Roots of Winter Wheat
YANG Shu-yun;YAN Ping;MEI Xue-ying;SUN Xiu-bang
Wheat Population Quality at Milk Filling Stage under Different Cultivation System
YANG Hong-bin;XU Cheng-zhong;HE Xiu-lan;LI Fu-yuan;WANG Fa-hong
Study on Growth Model-Based Decision Support System for Rice-Wheat Rotation Production
YE Hong-bao;LIU Xiao-jun;ZHU Yan;CAO Wei-xing
Effect of the Combined Application of Sulfur and Nitrogen Fertilizers on Yield and Starch Quality Traits of Soft-gluten Wheat Cultivar Yumai 50
ZHU Yun-ji;SHEN Xue-shan;LI Guo-qiang;QU Hui-juan;GUO Tian-cai;DAI Ting-bo;CAO Wei-xing
Analysis of HMW-GS Composition in Partial Wheat Lines
HOU Guo-feng;GUO Shi-hua;YUE Shu-fang;LIAN Bo
Isolation and Properties of Large and Small Starch Grains of Different Types of Wheat Cultivars
WEI Cun-xu;ZHANG Xiang-yu;ZHANG Jun;XU Bin;ZHOU Wei-dong;XU Ru-gen
Application of Capillary Electrophoresis in Varietal Identification and Quality Prediction
LIU Li;CHEN Xin-min;HE Zhong-hu;YAN Yue-ming;XIA Xian-chun;ZHANG Yan;WANG De-sen;PEI Yu-he
A Fast and Effective Isolation Method of Total RNA in Cereals
LIU Ying-hui;WANG Tian-yu
Preliminary Study on Morphologic and Genetics of Male Sterile Mutant in Transformed Wheat with Anti-PLDγ gene
QIU Xin-min;GAO Qing-rong;Wang Da-wei;Hao Yuan-yuan;Wang Yu-lan;Jiao Jian
Study on the Characteristics of Fertility Alteration of a High-temperature Male Sterile Wheat Line
WANG Feng-qing;HE Jue-min;WEI He;HE Yi
Analysis on the Agronomic Traits of Triticum polonicum L.
DONG Pan;LI Wei;ZHENG You-liang
Application of Gliadin Electrophoregrams in Hybrid Seed Purity Test of Wheat
ZHAO Wei;SHAO Jing-xia;ZHANG Gai-sheng
Genetic Analysis on the Powdery Mildew Resistance of Shaanxi Wheat Landraces
HU Wei-guo;WANG Ya-juan;WANG Chang-you;JI Wan-quan
Evaluation and Selection of Wheat Cultivars Resistant to Wheat Spindle Streak Mosaic Virus
YAO Jin-bao;YAO Guo-cai;YANG Xue-ming;QIAN Cun-ming
Advance on Gene Cloning Methods in Hexaploid Wheat
LI Jing-juan;ZHANG Zheng-bin;LI Wei-qiang;XU Ping
Ion Beam Implantation Technique and Its Application in Wheat Breeding
XIN Qing-guo;LIU Lu-xiang;YU Yuan-jie;GUO Hui-jun
Advance on Improvement of Wheat High-molecular-weight Glutenin Subunits via Molecular Breeding
YANG Sui-zhuang;SHANG Xun-wu;YE Chun-lei
gao chan guang shi xiao mai xin pin zhong - ke nong 199
li jun ming ; zhang xiang zuo ; zhang ai min ; wang zhi guo ; an diao guo ; ji jun ; wang jing
Effect of Methyl Jasmonate on the Induction of Spikelets Opening in Wheat
WANG Da-wei;GAO Qing-rong;ZHANG Ai-min;HAO Yuan-yuan;WANG Lin;QIU Xin-min;JIAO Jian
Stem Type Indices of Wheat with Different Protein Content
GAO De-rong;GUO Wen-shan;FENG Chao-nian;ZHANG Bo-qiao;ZHU Xin-kai;PENG Yong-xin
Modeling the Dynamics of Spike and Internode Growth in Barley
XU Shou-jun;GU Xiao-li;XU Ru-gen;YANG Jian-xiang;XI Wen-juan;ZHUANG Heng-yang
Composition of High Molecular Weight Glutenin Subunits in Tibet Wheat and Relationship with Protein Content and Sedimentation Value
ZENG Xing-quan;CI Ren-zuoga;CI Zhen;QIANG Xiao-lin;JI Wan-quan
HMW-GS Component Analysis of the Wheat Germplasms in Huanghuai Wheat Zone
NIU Ji-shan;LIANG Qing-zhi;WANG Bao-qin;LIU Rui;ZHENG Lei
Analysis on the Compositions of HMW-GS of the New Winter Common Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) Lines from CIMMYT
WANG Liang;MU Pei-yuan;LIU Li;HAN Xin-nian;SANG Wei;XU Hong-jun;HE Zhong-Hu;XIA Xian-chun
RVA Parameter Variation among M2 Population of Radiated Wheat Variety "Nongda 179"
WANG Cai-ping;ZUO Lian-zhong;XU Qi;XU Jie;LIU Chun-lei;HUANG Feng;YOU Ming-shan;LI Bao-yun;LIU Guang-tian
Transmission of 6VS/ 6AL Chromosome through Gametes and Its Genetic Stability in Different Genetic Background
LI Gui-ping;CHEN Pei-du;ZHANG Rui-qi;WANG Chun-mei;CAO Ai-zhong;ZHANG Shou-zhong
Genetic Transformation through Mature Seed-derived Callus of Common Wheat by Agrobacterium Tumefaciens
CHEN Li-guo;KOU Meng;WANG Yu-hai;CUI Fa;WANG Hong-gang
Study on Haploid Embryo Production of Wheat by Distant Hybridization between Winter Wheat and Maize
LAI Chang-kai;WANG Cheng-she;YAN Lin
Cloning and Characterizing of TaMBD3 Gene in Wheat
LI Yong-chun;MENG Fan-rong;YIN Jun;REN Jiang-ping;SUN Qi-xin