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Industry and Mine Automation
2015 Issue 11
Coal and rock recognition method based on low frequency component characteristics of discrete cosine transform and learning vector quantization
SUN Jiping;LIU Jianqiao;China University of Mining and Technology;School of Mechanical Electronic and Information Engineering;China University of Mining and Technology;
R/S analysis of gas emission in coal mine underground tunnel
ZHANG Pengxiang;HAN Zhenli;LI Qingsong;ZHU Quanjie;HENG Xianwei;ZHANG Shujin;Guizhou Mine Safety Research Institute;Guizhou Coal Mine Design and Research Institute;
Determination method of mine microseism source depth under latitude and longitude coordinates
WANG Meng;WANG Guofu;ZHANG Faquan;HUANG Guiqiang;School of Information and Communication;Guilin University of Electronic Technology;Guangxi Institute of Geological Survey;
Remote monitoring system of shearer based on Quest3D and PLC
WU Haiyan;WANG Tianlong;ZHANG Xuhui;MAO Qinghua;DU Yuyang;GAO Baizhan;MA Hongwei;Postdoctoral Workstation;Xi’an Coal Mining Machinery Co.;Ltd.;School of Mechanical Engineering;Xi’an University of Science and Technology;
Research on monitoring technology of surrounding rock stress based on fiber grating
LI Huwei;FANG Xinqiu;LIANG Minfu;XUE Guangzhe;Institute of Geology and Mines Engineering;Xinjiang University;School of Mines;China University of Mining and Technology;State Key Laboratory of Coal Resources and Safe Mining;China University of Mining and Technology;
Power allocation and capacity optimization of multi-relay cooperative communication system in tunnel
ZHAI Wenyan;SUN Yanjing;LI Song;LIANG Dihui;School of Information and Electrical Engineering;China University of Mining and Technology;Jiangsu Province Laboratory of Electrical and Automation Engineering for Coal Mining;
A new accurate localization method in underground tunnel of coal mine
YOU Chunxia;ZHANG Shen;HU Qingsong;ZHAI Yanrong;Internet of Things Research Center;China University of Mining and Technology;School of Physics and Electronic Engineering;Jiangsu Normal University;
Feature extraction method for human ear image and its application in miner identification
WU Yunxia;ZHANG Haopeng;DU Dongbi;School of Mechanical Electronic and Information Engineering;China University of Mining and Technology;
Research of personnel tracking algorithm for coal mine substation based on CamShift and particle filter
HAO Jianhua;Power Supply Branch Company;Fenxi Mining Group Co.;Ltd.;
A fault diagnosis method of fault indicator based on the worst principle
ZHENG Guohua;HUANG Duo;WANG Junfeng;WU Xiaobin;XU Weiqian;SUN Zhenye;ZHANG Wei;Department of Electric Power Engineering;Fujian Electric Power Technical College;Fujian Automation Electric Power Technology Co.;Ltd.;Jicheng Electronics Corporation;
Research of routing protocol of wireless sensor network in underground strip environment
DONG Lihong;LU Xiangyu;School of Computer Science and Technology;Xi’an University of Science and Technology;
A dynamic image enhancement method for mine
YANG Yong;YUE Jianhua;LI Yuliang;WANG Qingfei;School of Resources and Geosciences;China University of Mining and Technology;School of Information and Electrical Engineering;Xuzhou College of Industrial Technology;School of Information and Electrical Engineering;China University of Mining and Technology;
Particle velocity detection technology based on Manhattan distance method
CHEN Jiange;CCTEG Chongqing Research Institute Co.;Ltd.;
Monitoring method of slope based on fringe projection and two-dimensional principal component analysis
ZHAO Qian;XU Xinya;School of Communication and Information Engineering;Xi’an University of Science and Technology;
Research of a separation method of positive and negative sequence component in coal mine power supply system
HUANG Zhichao;LIAO Zhijian;HUANG Xiangli;Electromechanical Engineering College;Guilin University of Electronic Technology;
Current leakage protection method of coal mine based on time-sharing ratio of phase current amplitude
CHEN Zhaoye;MA Xinghe;PEI Zhiqiang;ZHANG Junwei;DONG Hongling;Xinzheng Mine-Electric Limited Company;School of Electrical Engineering and Automation;Henan Polytechnic University;
Study on hierarchical model of mine emergency command platform system
ZHENG Wanbo;WU Yanqing;LIU Dan;LI Xianming;State Key Laboratory of Gas Disaster Monitoring and Emergency Technology;College of Optoelectronic Engineering;Chongqing University;CCTEG Chongqing Research Institute;School of Public Health and Management;Chongqing Medical University;Rescue Command Center;Chongqing Administration of Coal Mine Safety;
Current situation of coal mine ventilation system and design of intelligent ventilation system
YANG Jie;ZHAO Liangang;QUAN Fang;School of Mechanical and Electronic Information;China University of Geosciences;
Design of PLC control system of uniform velocity temperature rise based on idea of devide and conquer
WEI Fupeng;QIAO Tiezhu;Ministry of Education Key Lab of Advanced Transducers and Intelligent Control System;Taiyuan University of Technology;
Fuzzy comprehensive line selection method of resonance grounding fault in coal mine
MA Chunyan;GONG Ying;College of Information Science and Engineering;University of Wuhan Science and Technology;College of Electrical and Information Engineering;University of Hubei Automotive Technology;Foshan Power Supply Bureau;Guangdong Power Grid Corporation;