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Fuzzy Systems and Mathematics
2012 Issue 2
Fuzzy Comprehensive Evaluation with Uncertain Environment Based on Cross-evaluation
GUO Qing-e;WANG Xue-qing;WEI Zhen
The Completeness of Ω-Cat Category
GENG Jun;TANG Jian-gang;NIE Xiao-yan
FAHP Based on Multiplicative Consistency Fuzzy Complementary Judgment Matrix
LV Yue-jin;JIANG Jian-jun;LIU Hong-mei
Discretization of Continuous Attributes Based on Shadowed Sets
ZHOU Fan-cheng;WU Meng-da;WANG Dan
Multi-objective Portfolio Selection Model Based on Intuitionistic Fuzzy programming
CHEN Guo-hua;LIAO Xiao-lian;YU Xing
Weak Complete Join-irreducible Elements and Some Applications
JIANG Guang-hao;HAN Gui-wen;CAI Jin
Projective Limits of Quasicontinuous Lattices
ZHANG Xiao-yuan;XU Xiao-quan
Fuzzy α-compactness Degree in L-topological Spaces
MENG Fan-you
The Characterization of Compact Sets in the Space of Fuzzy Star-shaped Numbers with Lp Metric
ZHAO Zhi-tao;WU Cong-xin;REN Xue-kun
The h-quasi-hemiregular Hemirings in Terms of Generalized Intuitionistic Fuzzy Ideals
HUANG Xiao-kun;YIN Yun-qiang;LONG Yao
Generalized Convex Fuzzy Mapping
HUANG Jin-ying;ZHAO Yu
The Theory of (λ,μ)-fuzzy Filters in R0-algebras
QIN Xue-cheng;LIU Chun-hui
The Minimum Product Algebra of Fuzzy Set Based on Tree
WANG Ze-wen;SHU Lan;WENG Fu-li
The Axiomatizations of Shapley Value on Fuzzy Payoff Cooperative Games
HAN Wei-bin;SUN Hao;WANG Wen-wen
Semiprime Minimal Sets of Semicontinuous Lattices and Homomorphic Extensions
KANG Jian-ping;XU Xiao-quan
Stability Analysis of Fuzzy Tracking Control for a Class of Bilinear Systems
DU Cai-xia;YANG Lun-le;MA Jin-feng
Almost Ultra-fuzzy Compact L-subsets in L-topological Spaces
YANG Wen-hua;LI Sheng-gang
Some Properties of Deviations for Dependent Uncertain Variables
WANG Hao-hua;WANG Zhi-gang
Chain Conditions on ( ∈, ∈ ∨q(λ,μ))-fuzzy Bi-ideals of Semirings
LIAO Zu-hua;HU Miao-han;RUI Ming-li;CAO Shu
Semi-Nβ-compactness in L- topological Spaces
HE Wei-min
The Separation Axiom in Fuzzifying Semi-topological Spaces
ZHOU Yu-jie
Some Properties on Intuitionistic Fuzzy Finite State Machines
XU Gu-zhen;DENG Pei-min;LI Yu
Fuzzy (m, n)-hyperring
LI Hao;XIN Xiao-long