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Fuzzy Systems and Mathematics
2011 Issue 1
Topological Methods in Decision Information Systems
LI Jin-jin;ZHANG Yan-lan;LIN Pei-rong
A Two-stage Fuzzy Transportation Expected Value Model and Its Approximation Approach
LIU Xiao-jun;YUAN Guo-qiang
On Characterizations and Further Properties of BL-algebras
ZHU Xiang;XU Luo-shan
Representations of Fuzzy Rough Sets with Applications
XU Jing-quan
Some Notes on G-algebras
ZHU Yi-quan;TANG Xu-yu;ZHANG Qiu-jin
Convergence for Set-valued Inverse Martingale
LI Gao-ming
Continuous Information Algebra
GUAN Xue-chong;LI Yong-ming
The Category of S-Dcpos
LI Qing-guo;LIU Li
Importance of Network Cells Based on Synthetical Reliable Measurement
ZHOU Lin-tao;LIU Wen-qi
Pseudo-autocontinuity of Set-valued Fuzzy Measues
LIU Hai-yan;WU Jian-rong
A Method for Credibility Evaluation of Substitute Equivalent Tests Based on Fuzzy Judgement
WANG Gang;WANG Zheng-ming;WEI Chao
The Prime MP-filters in Fuzzy Implication Algebras
LIU Chun-hui;XU Luo-shan
Mining of Sp-lower Ladder Knowledge and State Recognition
LIU Ruo-hui;LIU Bao-cang
(G)Fuzzy Integrals of General Measurable Functions
XIA Yang;WU Jian-rong
MP*-filter Theory of Implication Lattices
ZHANG Xiao-hong;WANG Li-li;LIU Hui-yang
Relative Convex Sublattice and Power Lattice
LI Ai-ping
A Logic from Galois Connections and Its Equivalent Form
HE Xiao-li;SHE Yan-hong