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Fuzzy Systems and Mathematics
2005 Issue 2
Importance of Network Cells Based on a Most Reliable Path
ZHANG Feng-lin;GUO Bo;WANG Zheng-Ming
Robust Stabilization for Delta Operator Based Fuzzy Systems
LI De-quan;FEI Shu-min
Fuzzy Subrings with Operators and Fuzzy Ideals with Operators
SUN Shao-quan;GU Wen-xiang
A Method of Matrix Resolution
XIA Shi-fen;HUANG Tian-min;XU Yang
Fuzzy HX Rings on a Ring
Peng Jia-yin;WANG Jia-yin
Relationship between HX Ring and Bottom Ring
YU Yang
A Logic System Based on FI-algebras and Its Completeness
ZHU Yi-quan
The Attributes Reduction Based on the AFS Theory and Closeness Degrees
ZHOU Xiao-yue;ZOU Kai-qi;LIU Xiao-dong
An Improved Hybrid Cluster Algorithm
DONG Yun-ying;ZHANG Yun-jie;CHANG Chun-ling
Power Index of the Generally Compound Fuzzy Game
LIU Guang-zhi;ZOU Kai-qi
Information Entropy Measures for Rules
HU Dan;WANG Jia-yin
New Fuzzy Distance Definitions of Fuzzy Numbers
LIU Hui-lin;FENG Ru-peng
Partial Entropy and Relative Entropy of Fuzzy Sets
GUO Xiao-zhi;XIN Xiao-long
Fuzzifying measure space and fuzzifying measure(Ⅰ)
Luo Shi-hua;SHEN Ji-zhong
Operation of Fuzzy Set Depended on Zero Measure Sets
WANG Feng;ZHENG Ya-lin
A Few Problems on Connectivity in L-Topological Space
Zhang Jun-fang;SHAN Jing
Semi-open Sets in Fuzzifying Bitopological Spaces
YUE Yue-li;WANG Feng-Hua
The Anti-fuzzy Sub-group in Group G
WANG Sheng-hai
Ω-fuzzy Dot Ideals of BCK/BCI-algebras
ZHAN Jian-ming;TAN Zhi-song