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Fuzzy Systems and Mathematics
2005 Issue 1
Some Properties on TL-subgroups
ZHANG Gui-shen
L-Fuzzy Pseudo Ideal and Its Properties
Fuzzy Algebraic Ideal in BCK-algebras
HU Bao-qing;LIU Fang;HE Juan-juan
*-Paracompactness and Separation Axioms
YANG Gui-qin
s-connectivity of Relative Productive Spaces
LIU Yan-min
Sensitivity of Fuzzy Reasoning
WU Jing-jie;LI De-chao
n-valued Logic System In Based on the Derived Operator of Kleene Implication Operator
CHENG Zhen-min;YOU Fei;LI Hong-xing
Generalized Tautologies in Revised Product Logical Systems
LIU Lian-zhen;LI Kai-tai
Support Vector Machine and Fuzzy Systems
CHEN Yong-yi
The Model of Object Identification Based on the Fuzzy Synthesis Function
LIU Hai-feng;LIU Fu-xian;WANG Jun
An Optimal Choice Method of Parameter m in FCM Clustering Algorithm
GONG Gai-yun;GAO Xin-bo;WU Zhong-dong
Analysis on the Regional Relationship of Parameters of MISO Mamdani Fuzzy Systems with Triangle Partition
TANG Shao-xian;ZHANG Tai-shan;CHEN Jian-er
Research on of Type-2 Fuzzy Logic System and Its Application
CHEN Wei;SUN Zeng-qi
Knowledge Discovery in Fuzzy Target Information Systems
ZHANG Mei;ZHU Zhao-hui
Rough Prime Ideals and Rough Fuzzy Prime Ideals in Rings
XIAO Qi-mei;ZHANG Zhen-liang;ZHANG Jin-ling
The Inclusion Degree and Similarity Degree of Fuzzy Rough Sets
YUAN Xiu-jiu;ZHANG Wen-xiu
Multi-objective Fuzzy Coefficient Programming
SU Jie
Supremum and Infimum of Order Bounded Sets of Fuzzy n-cell Numbers
WANG Gui-xiang;ZHAO Chun-hui
Property of Four Arithmetic Operations of Fuzzy Number and Linear Equation of Fuzzy Number
ZHANG Xing-fang;ZHANG Feng-xia;MENG Guang-wu
Properties of Equivalent Balance Function and Construction Approaches of Balance Function
LI De-qing;ZHAO Cai-xia;GU Yun-dong
Prime Ideal and Weakly Prime Ideal of the Quantale
WANG Shun-qin;ZHAO Bin
Fuzzifying Infix Codes and Fuzzifying Outfix Codes
ZOU Xiang-fu