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Fuzzy Systems and Mathematics
2004 Issue z1
Minimization for Fuzzy Finite Automata Based on Compound Fuzzy Transition
HU Long-li;MO Zhi-wen
Fuzzy Cellular Automata Based on the Fuzzy Logic
CHANG Chun-ling;ZHANG Yun-jie;YU Dong;DONG Yun-ying
The Selection of Classification Parameter C of Fuzzy ISODATA
SHU Hai-chi;WANG Xin-zhou;HUA Xiang-hong;TIAN Yu-gang
A New Decision-making Method Based on Fuzzy TOPSIS
DENG Yong;SHI Wen-kang
Image Segmentation Arithmetic Based on Fuzzy Cellular Automata
WANG Hong;ZHANG Yun-jie;WEI Hua;LIU Hong-ze;QIU Wang-ren
A Modified Method to Fuzzy C-Means Algorithm
NIU Yong-li;CHEN Shui-li
A New Fuzzy Reasoning Approach Based on Classical Logic System
XU Zhang-yan;TANG Fu-cheng;LI Fan
The Estimate of the Idempotent Index Based on AFS Structures
WANG Bo;YU Jia-ju;LIU Xiao-dong
Further Research to Controller Designs Approaches Based on Fuzzy Observers
YANG Xiao-guang;LIU Gong-wang
Extension and Fuzzy Method for Traffic Environment Quality Assessment of City Road
ZHAI Yi-shu;DONG Yun-ying;CHEN Mu-hua;LIU Wei;WANG Yi-bing
Application of Rough Set Approach in Fuzzy Control of Traffic Intersection
ZHANG Xue-zhi;WU Meng-da
Application of an Improved Fuzzy C-means Clustering Method Based on Genetic Algorithms for Edge Detection
DONG Yun-ying;YU Dong;ZHANG Yun-jie;CHANG Chun-ling
Fuzzy Inference Interpolator
YAN Jian-ping
Discovery Implication-Based Fuzzy Association Rules
Yan Peng;CHEN Guo-qing
Note on Fuzzy ω-Regular Languages
MO Zhi-wen;BAI Ming-qiang
Chomsky Theorem on the Fuzzy Context-free Language
BAI Ming-qiang
Attributes Reduction of Fuzzy Information Systems
ZHANG Hong;ZHANG Zhen-liang
Fuzzy Infinite Automaton and Its Convergence
WU Qing-e;SHU Lan
A Simply Algorithms for Attribute Reduction
WANG Dan;WU Meng-da;LIU Yin-shan
Relation Between Rational Fuzzy Languages and Fuzzy Finite-state Automaton
MO Zhi-wen;Peng Jia-yin
Resource QoS Routing Based on Possibility Distribution Computing
ZHANG Xue-song;CHU Jiu-chuan;ZHENG Chong-you;ZHONG Zhan-dui
Algebraic Transformation in Fuzzy Relational Databases
TANG Xiao-hui;CHEN Guo-qing
Some Constructing Properties on Fuzzy H-ideals in BCH-algebras
HU Bao-qing;YANG Jie;DONG Chang-qing
Variable Precision Fuzzy Rough Set Model Based on Cut Set
HUANG Chun-e;ZHANG Zhen-liang
Rank Preservation for Fuzzy Consistent Comparison Matrix
U Yue-jin;QIN Bo-ying;WANG Yu-yan
The Intuitionistic Fuzzy Subgroups and Its Characterization
ZHANG Ke-ming;ZHANG Hui;SUN Shu-zhen
Uncertain Information Processing and Its Applications to Inductive Learning
WANG Xi-Zhao;HA Ming-hu
The Fuzzy Clustering Neural Network of the Dead Unit Problem
MU Xi-bin;ZOU Kai-qi
Fuzzy Option Based on Credit Risk Analysis for Municipal Bonds
HAN Li-Yang;ZHENG Cheng-li;YANG Zhe-bin
Applications of PS-convergence in L-topological Spaces
BAI Shi-zhong
Some Notes on the Skorokhod Topology of Fuzzy Number Spaces
FAN Tai-he;FAN Li-hong
Rough Sets Theory on Generalized Information Systems
ZHANG Wen-xiu;WEI Ling;XU Ping
Numerical Computations in Formalized Logic Theories
WANG Guo-jun
Relational Representations of Complete Lattices and Their Applications
XU Xiao-qun;Liu Ying-ming
L- semisimple Algebra over L-field
LI Ying;ZHAO Jian-li;JIA Zhi-gang
Some Properties of Join-irreducible Elements in Complete Lattice
QU Xiao-bing;WANG Xue-ping
The General α-decomposition of Fuzzy Relations
YANG Yan;WANG Xue-ping
The Determinant and Adjoint of a Lattice Matrix
TAN Yi-jia;Shu Zhi-biao
Fuzzifying (topological) Derived Spaces
AN Feng-bo;FANG Jin-ming
The Potency and Relations of Extension Set Connection Number
U Dan;WU Meng-da;ZHANG Xue-zhi
σ-separation of Topological Molecular Lattices
CHEN Shui-li;NIU Yong-li;CHEN Ming-zhi
The Pointwise F-Power Group
LI Fei;ZHANG Zhen-liang
The Convergent Conditions of Controllable Fuzzy Matrices
CHEN Wen-yi;LIU Wen-bin
The Extension Operations of the Fuzzy Sets Product
ZHU Hua;XU Yang;CHEN Shu-wei
Net Convergence Theory in Fuzzy TML
YUE Yue-li
Fuzzy Convergence and Adjoint Mapping in Quantitative Domains
HE Wei;FAN Lei;WANG Wan-Liang
Fuzzy Series Based on Fuzzy Structued Element
GUO Si-zong
Generalized Fuzzy Subsemigroups and Generalized Fuzzy Completely Reqular Subsemigroups
LIAO Zu-hua;CHEN Yan-xiang;LU Jin-hua;GU Hui
Archimedean Uninorm
HU Shi-kai
Characterizations of Noetherian IS-algebras
ZHAN Jian-ming;TAN Zhi-song
A Further Properties on Smooth Normal Subgroups
MA Zhen-ming;CHEN Gui-ying;LI Ying
A Certain Presentation of Greatest Maximal Set in Finite Distributive Lattice
ZHANG Ke-ming;SUN Shu-zhen;HAO Jun-ling
FS-posets and Continuous L-posets
XU Luo-shan
Strong Pre-semiopen L-sets in L-topological Spaces
XU Zhen-guo;SHI Fu-gui
Some Properties of the Direct Product of Fuzzy Algebras
SUN Shao-quan
t-norm of Fuzzy Implication Algebra and Its Properties
LI Gui-hua;LI Zhi-wei
t-conorm Integrals of Fuzzy-valued Functions
WANG Rui-sheng;HA Ming-hu
Fuzzy Bilinear Equations
YU Bu-lei;WANG Xue-ping
Constructions of Some Quantum Structures and Fuzzy Effect Space
SHANG Yun;LI Yong-ming
Generalized Convex Fuzzy Set
GU Hui;LIAO Zu-hua
The Approaches to the Boolean Matrix and EI Algebra Representation of Concepts
YU Jia-ju;WANG Bo;LIU Xiao-dong
Improvements of Lattice Degree of Approaching
A New Semi-open Sets in Fuzzifying Spaces
ZUO Yue;FANG Jin-ming
New Method for Identifying and Improving the Consistency of Fuzzy Judgement Matrix
U Yue-jin;WANG Yu-yan;QIN Po-ying
Several Properties of Generated L-Fuzzy Subgroups
YANG Zhi-hui;LIU Long-zhang
The Sufficient Condition of Fuzzy Matrix Being Regular
ZHENG Wen-rui;JLANG Jing;GAO Yan-wei