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Fuzzy Systems and Mathematics
2002 Issue 4
ke ji jian xun
wu meng da ; mao zi yang
On Portfolio Problem Contained Fuzzy Profit Rate
xu ruo ning ; li chu lin
Adaptive Regulator of Nonlinear Continuous Systems Using Fuzzy Systems
liu xiao hua ; feng en min ; jie xue jun
Method of Optimizing Fuzzy Control Rules Based on Compatibility of Fuzzy Subsets
zhang ji li ; ou jin ping ; yu da ren
ST* Separation Axioms in Topological Molecular Lattices
xu zhao long
The Pseudo-Complement and Some Applications
YI Liang-zhong
L-fuzzy Ideal of BCK-Algebras
zhao li jun
Fuzzy Group Congruences on a Semigroup
LI Yong-hua;XU Cheng-xian
On the Perturbation of Fuzzy Matrix Equations with Max-Product Composition
zhang cheng yi ; dang ping an
Fuzzy Integral Equations and Boundary Value Problems for Fuzzy Differential Equations
GUO Meng-shu;XUE Xiao-ping;LI Rong-lu
An Overview of Ranking Fuzzy Quantities
wang xu zhu ; dan jing
Generalized Tautologies in Product Logical Systems
PEI Dao-wu;LI Jun
Fuzzy Concept Lattice
chen shi quan ; cheng li chun
Functions in Domain Theory
chen yi xiang