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Acta Sinica Quantum Optica
2010 Issue 4
Propagation Properties of a Surface Plasmonic Waveguide with a Butterfly Air Cores
DUAN Xin;JIA Zhi-xin;XUE Wen-rui
Excited States of PuO in External Electric Fields
XIE An-dong;RUAN Wen;WU Dong-lan;ZHOU Ling-ling;LUO Wen-lang
An Improvement on "Cascade" Protocol in Quantum Key Distribution
MA Wen-feng;ZENG Gui-hua
xin xi dong tai
Entanglement for a Three-parameter Class of States in Bipartite Quantum System
LIU Dong-dong;DI Yao-min
Measurement of the Temperature of Strontium Atoms by Doppler Cooling
TIAN Xiao;WANG Xin-liang;MA Zhe;GAO Feng;ZHANG Shou-gang;CHANG Hong
The Characteristics of Mode Competition in the Micro-cavity of One-demensional Ternary Photonic Crystal
LI Gen;LIU Zheng-dong;ZHAO Shun-cai;ZHENG Jun
Experimental Investigation of Small-sized Ssqueezed Vacuum Light Device
DI ke;YU Xu-dong;ZHANG jing