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Chinese Journal of Quantum Electronics
2008 Issue 3
zheng gao jian ze
Control system of piezoelectrical fiber-optic phase modulation
LIU Yong;ZHOU Nan;ZHU Zhen;ZHU Lin;YU Qing-hua;ZHAI Yu-feng
Transient response of tellurite-based erbium-doped glass fiber amplifier
QU Wei-qing;ZHOU Ling;CHEN Fen;ZHOU Ya-xun
Entanglement in spin-1 Heisenberg XXZ chain
QIN Meng;TAO Ying-juan;HU Ming-liang;TIAN Dong-ping
Phase-covariant quantum cloning in cavity QED
Experiment on the characteristics of superluminal group velocity
TENG Li-hu;ZHOU Wei;FENG Bao-ying;OU Xiao-juan;ZOU Wei-hua
Selective excitation of coherent anti-Stokes Raman scattering from methanol solution
LI Xia;ZHANG Hui;ZHANG Shi-an;ZHANG Xiang-yun;CHEN Guo-liang;WANG Zu-geng;SUN Zhen-rong
Investigation of a single semiconductor quantum dot's absorption and gain properties
ZHAO Shun-cai;LIU Zheng-dong;LIAO Qing-hong
Quantum dice
REN Heng-feng;WANG Qing-liang
Saturation effect and velocity selective population of 5S1/2→5P3/2 with laser excitation in Rb-H2 vapor
LI Lin;XIN Jing-tao;LIU Jing;DAI Kang;SHEN Yi-fan
Transient analysis of laser without inversion in an open system
WANG Yong;LI Ping;LIU Hai-ying
Diode double-end-pumped Nd: YAG ceramic laser with an output power of 10.0W at 1064nm
ZHOU Yong;CHEN Ya-hui;ZONG Nan;WANG Gui-Ling;BO Yong;PENG Qin-jun;CUI Da-fu;XU Zu-yan;WU Yu-song;LI Jiang;PAN Yu-bai;FENG Xi-qi;LI Jun;FAN Fei-di;YU Ai-fang;ZHU Yong;HU Zhang-gui
Influences of Compton scattering on soliton squeezed state transmission in fiber
HAO Dong-shan;ZHANG Xiao-fu
Application of ladder curve approximation of dispersion decrease fiber's GVD in dispersion management systems
MU Lin-mei;YU Zhen-hong;JI Chang-jun;DENG Fang
Quantum properties of the binomial states field interacting with a ∧-type three-level atom
CUI Ying-hua;Sachuerfu;GONG Yan-li
Generation of N-qubit cluster states via nonresonant cavity and classical field
ZHANG Shi-jun;MA Chi;YE Liu
Purification for entangled multi-atom states via entanglement swapping
YU Li-zhi;GONG Ren-shan