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Forest Resources Management
2008 Issue 1
Current Situation and Development of Global Forest Resources and Enlightenment to China
ZHANG Min;XIA Chaozong;CHEN Xuefeng;HUANG Guosheng
Study on Application of the Linear Tree Structure in Forest Resourees Data Statistics
KONG Lingzi;ZHAO Tianzhong;LU Shouyi
Study on the WEB Based Application System of Basic Western Resources Database
Preventing Some Exotic Forest Pests' Invasion for Protecting Ancient Tree Resources
WANG Tao;ZONG Shixiang;WEI Youlong;YANG Dehou;WANG Guangjin;ZONG Yingfei
An Analysis on the Information Issues in the Forest Right Transaction
YAO Xingqi;WEN Yali;DING wen'en;XIE Yi
Discussion on Forest Farm Subcompartment Division Based on 3S Technology
XIA Zhongsheng;TAN Wei;WANG Liuping
Application of 3S Technology in Guojiahe Small Watershed Management
TANG Fuping;QIN Fen;LIU Fen
Study of Forest Landscape Pattern Based on GIS
Use of Small - Footprint Scanning Airborne Lidar to Estimate Forest Stand Characteristics
LI Qi;MA Hongchao;WU Jianwei;Tian Liqiao
Study on Mammal Fauna of Micangshan Nature Reserve in Shaanxi Province
WEN Zhanqiang;GONG Huisheng;LI Jianqiang;WANG Kaifeng
Study on the Stand Tree Species Diversity of Five Different Shrub Forest Transformation Models in Xiaolongshan
ZHAO ZHonghua;YUAN Shiyun;HUI Gangying;WANG Runxi
Primary Study on Stem Quality of Cork Oak (Quercus variabilis Blume)Plantations
ZHAO Haoyan;LU Yuanchang;NING Jinkui;LIU Gang;LIU Xianzhao
Study on Diameter Distribution Simulation of Quereus mongolica Stands
CHEN Xinmei;ZHANG Huiru;WU Jicheng;ZHU Guangyu