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Forest Resources Management
2006 Issue 6
Countermeasures for the Forest Resources and Logging Management after the Reform of Collective Forest Ownership System in Fujian Province
LI Zuyi;HONG Duanfang;YAN Sizhong;LI Minhui;YE Guanghui;HU Xiaoming
Thinking on Strengthening Forest Land Management and Supervision
YU Zelong;PU Zhao
Study on Current Situation and Management Strategy of Eucalyptus Plantation in Guangxi
YE Shaoming;ZHENG Xiaoxian;JIN Dagang
A Discussion on Property Right System of Wild Plant Resources
LUO Yanping;LIU Junchang
Evaluation of the Forest Eco-tourism Resources in Fujian Province
LI Baoyin;QIU Xiaowen;LIANG Wenying;ZHU Yuyun
Study on Wind Breaking and Sand Blocking Effects of Farmland Shelterbelts in Ulan Buh Desert Oasis
YANG Tingting;CHAI Huiqiang;YAO Guozheng;DING Guodong
Thought on Forest Management from Landscape Ecology
CHEN Duanlu;LI Jiping
Regeneration Niche of Main Tree Populations in Pinus tableformis Forest in Ziwuling Mountains
YANG Junlong;WANG Hui;SUN Dongyuan;WANG Bin
Evaluation on Economic Sustainability of Forest Resources in Chifeng City
WANG Xiong;YAO Yunfeng;YE Lin
Study on Positioning Accuracy of Diferential Global Positioning System
GUAN Fengying;FAN Shaohui;FENG Zhongke;SU Wenhui
Design and Development of the GIS-based Land Desertification Monitoring System
ZHUANG Chenhui;CHEN Mingchao;Li Zheng
Design and Development of Forest Fire Control Command Aided System
HUANG Zhiqiang;LIU Haijun;LI Hongshuang
Development of the Management Information System for Key Public Welfare Forests in Guangxi
CAI Huide;MO Qijing;PAN Huangru;NONG Shengqi