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Journal of Forestry Research
2012 Issue 2
growth and yield of nine pine species in angola
Cristobal Delgado-Matas;Timo Pukkala
study on soils under shifting cultivation and other land use categories in chittagong hill tracts, bangladesh
Alake Biswas;M.Alamgir;S.M.S.Haque;K.T.Osman
impact of coastal development on mangrove cover in kilim river,langkawi island, malaysia
yield and mechanical properties of veneer from brachystegia nigerica
Babatola Olufemi
effects of grazing on natural regeneration of tree and herb species of kheyroud forest in northern iran
Mohsen Javanmiri Pour;Mohmmad Reza Marvie Mohadjer;Vahid Etemad;Mahmoud Zobeiri
landscaping and performance of some aesthetic plant species in hot,arid conditions of india
Rajesh Kumar Gupta;Pradeep Chaudhry;Rameshwar Lal Srivastava
effect of canopy gap size and ecological factors on species diversity and beech seedlings in managed beech stands in hyrcanian forests
Kambiz Abrari Vajari;Hamid Jalilvand;Mohammad Reza Pourmajidian;Kambiz Espahbodi;Alireza Moshki
decomposition and nutrient release patterns of phyllostachys bambusoides and arundinaria racemosa, india
estimating canopy closure density and above-ground tree biomass using partial least square methods in chinese boreal forests
LEI Cheng-liang;JU Cun-yong;CAI Ti-jiu;JING Xia;WEI Xiao-hua;DI Xue-ying
effects of tallowtree seed coat on seed germination
LI Shu-xian;GU Hong-biao;MAO Yan;YIN Tong-ming;GAO Han-dong
over-mature beech trees (fagus orientalis lipsky) and close-to-nature forestry in northern iran
Mostafa Moradi;Mohammad R.Marvie Mohadjer;Kiomars Sefidi;Mahmoud Zobiri;Ali Omidi
structure and regeneration status of komto afromontane moist forest,east wollega zone, west ethiopia
Fekadu Gurmessa;Teshome Soromessa;Ensermu Kelbessa
genetic divergence for growth and wood parameters in different clones of dalbergia sissoo roxb
Kumar A;Bhatt A;Ravichandran S;Pande PK;Dobhal S