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Forest Research
2003 Issue 3
RAPD Analysis on Male Sterility Mutant Initiated from Irradiation Lily
zhang ke zhong ; zhao xiang yun ; lu chang xun ; huang shan wu ; zhang qi xiang
Advances in the Water Use Efficiency of Plant
li rong sheng ; xu huang can ; yin guang tian ; yang jin chang ; li shuang zhong
Advances in Genetic Improvement of Bamboo Plants
xing xin zuo ; fu zuo yi
Advances in the Soil Research on Chestnut Field
xiao bin
Study and Application on Somatic Embeyogenesis in Arbor Tree
jin xiao ling ; he ping
Study on the Resources of Entomogenous Fungi in Pangquangou National Nature Reserve
li wen ying ; he yun chun ; wang jian ming ; zhang zuo gang ; song dong hui
Research on the Differentiantion Law of the Paulownia Timber Color
wu ying xia ; zhang yu jie ; dong xiao yun ; li shu min
Study on the Natural Regeneration of Mangrove Species Sonneratia caseolaris
chen yu jun ; zheng song fa ; liao bao wen ; zheng de zuo ; song xiang yu ; zuo qi jie
Response of Linzhi Spruce's Net Photosynthetic Rate to Environmental Factors in Tibet
xiao wen fa ; han jing jun ; guo zhi hua ; guo quan shui ; zheng wei lie ; luo da qing
The Variation of Main Properties of Different Eucalyptus Clones and the Synthetical Evaluation
mo xiao yong ; peng shi yao ; long teng ; chen wen ping ; yang xiao hong
Progeny Test for the Open-pollinated Families of Eucalyptus urophylla in Multiple Sites
xu jian min ; li guang you ; lu zuo hua ; bai jia yu ; lu guo huan ; wang shang ming
Genetic Diversity of Allozymes of Quercus mongolica in China
li wen ying ; gu wan chun
Study on Ecto-endomycorrohizae Associated by Pisolithus tinctorius with Pine
zheng lai you ; li wen zuo ; cheng xiao fei ; hua xiao mei
Study on Experimental Population of Cochineal Insect(D.confusus(Cockerell))
zhang zhong he ; yang xun zhang ; wang zi li ; xu zuo feng ; shi lei ; chen xiao ming