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Forest Research
2000 Issue 1
Study on the growth characters of Kaburagia rhusicola winter host when transplanted outside of origin
RONG Xiu-lan;LEI Chao-liang;XUE Dong;YANG Yan-hong;NIU Chang-ying
Hyperparastism and Biocontrol of Hedysarum mongolicum Rust by Sphaerellopsis filum
YUAN Xiu-ying;HAN Yan-jie
Advances in Genetic Engineering of Ornamental Plant
WANG Zheng-ke;PENG Zheng-hua
Study on the Effects of Antyphen on Rooting of Eucalyptus Cuttings
LIN Hai-qiu;LONG Teng;MO Xiao-yong;HUANG Zhuo-lie;LIN Shao-xiang;TAN Shao-man
Study on the Biomass Variance and Comprehensive Evaluation at the Seedling Stage of Cinnamomum comphora Provenances
REN Hua-dong;YAO Xiao-hua;SUN Yin-xiang;ZHANG Jian-zhong;CHAO Jian-shi
Research on Nonlinear Height-diameter Models
WANG Ming-liang;LI Xi-fei
Bamboo Mildew-rotting and Its Relation with Environmental Condition
WU Kai-yun;WENG Yue-xia
Study on Biological Aspects and Control Strategies of Pseudasphondylia diospyros (Diptera:Cecidomiidae)
XU Zhi-hong;JIANG Zhi-yun;JIANG Hui-zhong;WU Xiao-feng;LIANG Xi-di
Research on the Fauna of Eucalyptus Pest in China
CHEN Pei-zhen;GU Mao-bin
Study on the Inoculation Effects of Field-grown Casuarina equisetifolia with Frankia Alginate Beads
KANG Li-hua;LI Su-cui;PENG Yao-qiang;LIU Yu-lin;CHEN Hua-cheng;LUO Cheng-jiu
Breeding Objectives for Reducing Pulp Production Costs of Masson Pine under Different Management Models
ZHOU Zhi-chun;LI Guang-rong;HUANG Guang-lin;CHEN Yue;ZHAN Xiang-jian
The Forest Pathogens of Root and Butt Rot in Northeast China
DAI Yu-cheng;QIN Guo-fu;XU Mei-qing
Mycorrhizal Dependency and Inoculant Effects on the Growth of Betula alnoides Seedlings
GONG Ming-qin;WANG Feng-zhen;CHEN Yu;CHEN Ying-long
A Study on the Effect of Agroforestry on Environmental Quality
MENG Ping;SONG Zhao-min;ZHANG Jin-song;LU Guang-ming;XIN Xue-bing