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Science of Travel Medicine
2004 Issue 2
The Application of EXCEL in Drawing a Quality Control Diagram of Detecting HIV-antibody
He Wangfu;Xin Xilong;Huang Haiguo
Probe into management of Non - Infections for Persons Going Abroad
Wang Weiquan;Li Xianhua
The Investigation on 70 cases of Taking Another's Place by Assuming his Name for Persons going Abroad
luo jing ; liu xiao gui ; luo yi hong ; wang jia zhi ; liu li ming
Discussion of Psychological Health of Long Journey Travelers
Huang Yongxin;Li Hua
The Analysis of Ultrasonic Diagnostics of Kidney Space Occupying Lesion of Staff and Workers working at Joint Ventures
xia qing ; liu zhen ; liu yu zhi ; tian xiao qing ; zhang qi
The Analysis of Premarital Medical Examination for Marriage with Foreigners in Xinjiang Area
he bing ; tan bo ; wang jian jun ; wang ling bing
The AIDS Surveillance and Behavior Investigation on Export Labors at Heilongjiang Port
Wang Yanmei;Ding Shuli;Sui Weidong
The Investigation and Study on Pathogenic Vibrios in Freshwater Life Fish and Pond water from Export Aquatic Farm
zhao jun hua ; yang ze ; zeng wei dong ; ye li qing ; tu cheng ning