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Fluicl Power Transmission and Control
2008 Issue 5
The Application of Two-way Cartridge Valve on Snag Protection of Quayside Crane
sun can xing ; hu zhong wang ; huang ren hao
A Study on the Automatic Pneumatic Coil Strapping Machine
LIU Zhi-jia;LIU Yong-guang;YAO Qin
Life Cycle Assessment of the Pneumatic Cylinder and Electric Actuator
ZHANG Pu;CAI Mao-lin
The Non-linear Modeling and Simula-tion of the Aerodynamic Load Simula-tor
LIU Xiao-xu;JIAO Zong-xia
The Method for Identifying and Capturing Dynamic Model of New Type Larger Thrust Engine
zhao ying zuo ; zhang xiao sha ; zhao shou jun ; jing guang hui ; hou zuo
Design of Hardware Platform for Aviation Hydraulic Pumping Source Health Management System
DU Jun;WANG Shao-ping;ZHANG Wen-chao
Application of Direct Drive Servo Valve (DDV) CFD in CDA/CAE Integrated Design
WU Shuai;YU Jun-tao;KANG Rong-jie;JIAO Zong-xia
Thermodynamic Research on High Temperature Flow Rate Control Valve for Scramjet Engine
CHEN Xiao-ming;LI Song-jing;NIE Bo-xun
Analysis of Relief Valve of Noise and Dynamic Characteristics
CHENG Zhao-yi
The Research on Electro-hydraulic Proportional Pressure Control Radial Piston Pump Based on Displacement Control
AN Gao-cheng;CHEN Shuang-qiao;FU Yong-ling;WANG Ming-zhi
Simulation Modeling and Design of a New Hydraulic Damper
MIAO Zhong-hua;LIU Cheng-liang;JIAO Su-juan;WANG Xu-yong;ZHANG Wei-feng
Research on New Constant Power Electro-hydraulic Winch
DENG Ye-ming;KONG Xiao-wu
Research on the Control System for Hydraulic 6-DOF Stewart Platform System
ZHANG Xu;PEI Zhong-cai
Decoupling Control of Simulation Loading System for the Vehicle's Wheels and Transmission Bridges
WANG Hui;YANG Ting-ting;XI Ya-bing;LI Hua-jun
Simulative Research of Synchronization Control of Two Hydraulic Cylinder System Based on Single PID Neuro
QI Shuai;GUO Xiao-song;YU Chuan-qiang;FENG Yong-bao
Research on Speed Synchronization Control of Double Hydraulic Moters Based on Immune System
WU Bao-lin;QI Xiao-ye;TANG Zhi-yong;MA Jun-gong