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Journal of Liaoning Institute of Technology(Natural Science Edition)
2007 Issue 1
Singular Fuzzy Rough Sets
FU Shang-jin;WANG Yan-ping
Research on Stability of Living Energy System (Les)
GU Ying
Financial Fragility Paradox: Explanation of Evolutionary Game Theory
MA Wei-feng;LIU Chun-yan;ZONG Jia-feng
Development and Future Trend of CAPP
WANG Jie;LI Tie-jun
Research of 3G Technology in Logistics Park Information platform
LIU Xiao-xin;SHI Jing;LIU Wei;AO Jian-hua
Intergranular Corrosion of Austenitic Stainless Steel
QU Xing-sheng;LIN Cheng;LIU Zhi-lin
Analysis of Final Products in Composition of Trimesic Acid by Catalytic Oxidation Method
WANG Chun-xia;ZHANG Xu-bin;XIN Feng
Research on Catalyst Deactivation of MIBK from Isopropanol
DENG Hong-bo;ZHANG Peng-fei
Prediction of Fracture Crack of Concrete by Fractal Interpolation
SUN Hong-jun;DONG Jin-kun;ZHAO Li-hong
Structure Optimization of Discrete Variables Based on Niche Genetic Algorithm
YE Qing;HAN Ying-si;XIE Jun
Application of Color Image Segmentation to Video Tracing System
LI Shuang;LI Guo-yi;ZHANG Xiao-yu
Research on Bellyache System Based on Fuzzy Neural Network
SHI Yu;HUO Chun-Bao;MAO Liang
Reduct Method of Incomplete Information System
ZHOU Yu-xin;ZHOU Jun;MEI Hong-yan
Development of Solar Energy Traffic Signal Lights with Wireless Remote Control
YAN Yan;MA Wen-ge;DU Juan;JIN Cheng-shan
Fuzzy Control in Multi-phase Intersections Based on Variable Phase Sequence
DU Juan;MA Wen-ge;YAN Yan
Research on Portable Heat Charge Apparatus
HAO Tian-hong;NA Wen-peng
Selection of Optimal Trip-Reclosure Time and its Setting Calculation
GUO Wu;YAN Tian;SU Quan-zhen