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Journal of Liaoning University(Philosophy and Social Sciences Edition)
2003 Issue 6
The legal principle test on civil evidence
li zhuo
Educational Effect for Conduct of "the Book of Changes"
bai chang qing
Lu Xun And Gu Jie gang
bao hong ying ; xu wen hai
On the Personal Narration in Public Advertisement
yu feng jing
Exploration of the Combined-use Sentences in Modern Chinese
xu zuo guang ; liu yan xin
Confucius Image Detailed Analyse
zhang yan
On the Usher in China's Modern Police System Young
yang yu huan
On Historical Origin of the Pushtunistan Question
qiu jian qun ; li hui
One the Teaching Thought of Rabelais Francois
liu dan chen
The Foundation of Realizing Fair
huang juan
Establishment of Crisis Management System of Our Governments
zhang jie ; guo zhen zhong
The Borrowers' Repayment Attitude and The Incentive Policies
liu shu zhen
Analysis of the Problem in Unsymmetry of Price Information
chen dian ge
The Characteristics and Conception of Judicature System's Reform
liu hai liang ; li ping