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Communications in Theoretical Physics
2014 Issue 2
Communications in Theoretical Physics
Instructions to Authors
Solutions of the Schrdinger Equation with Quantum Mechanical Gravitational Potential Plus Harmonic Oscillator Potential
B.I.Ita;A.I.Ikeuba;A.N.Ikot;Theoretical Quantum Chemistry Group;Department of Chemistry;University of Calabar;Theoretical Physics Group;Department of Physics;University of Uyo;
Exact Polynomial Solutions of Schrdinger Equation with Various Hyperbolic Potentials
WEN Fa-Kai;YANG Zhan-Ying;LIU Chong;YANG Wen-Li;ZHANG Yao-Zhong;Department of Physics;Northwest University;Institute of Modern Physics;Northwest University;School of Mathematics and Physics;University of Queensland;
ONEOptimal:A Maple Package for Generating One-Dimensional Optimal System of Finite Dimensional Lie Algebra
MIAO Qian;HU Xiao-Rui;CHEN Yong;Shanghai Key Laboratory of Trustworthy Computing;East China Normal University;
Dynamics of Light in Teleparallel Bianchi-Type I Universe
M.Salti;Physics Department;Faculty of Art and Science;Mersin University;
Entangled Three Qutrit Coherent States and Localizable Entanglement
Mehrzad Ashrafpour;Mojtaba Jafarpour;Abbass Sabour;Physics Department;Shahid Chamran University;
Robust Quantum Computing in Decoherence-Free Subspaces with Double-Dot Spin Qubits
FENG Zhi-Bo;ZHANG Chun-Li;ZHOU Yun-Qing;School of Electric Engineering;Xuchang University;Department of Physics;Zhejiang Ocean University;
Efficient Numerical Algorithm on Irreducible Multiparty Correlations
ZHOU Duan-Lu;Beijing National Laboratory for Condensed Matter Physics;and Institute of Physics;Chinese Academy of Sciences;
Dynamic Structure Factor of an Optically Trapped Dipolar Bose–Einstein Condensate
QI Wei;LIANG Zhao-Xin;ZHANG Zhi-Dong;Shenyang National Laboratory for Materials Science;Institute of Metal Research;Chinese Academy of Sciences;
Effects of Correlation between Network Structure and Dynamics of Oscillators on Synchronization Transition in a Kuramoto Model on Scale-Free Networks
YU Dan;YANG Jun-Zhong;School of Science;Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications;
Generation of Nonlinear Evolution Equations by Reductions of the Self-Dual Yang–Mills Equations
ZHANG Yu-Feng;Hon-Wah Tam;College of Sciences;China University of Mining and Technology;Department of Computer Science;Hong Kong Baptist University;
Dynamics of Analytical Matter-Wave Solutions in Three-Dimensional Bose–Einstein Condensates with Two- and Three-Body Interactions
JIN Hai-Qin;HE Jun-Rong;LIANG Jian-Chu;CAI Ze-Bin;YI Lin;School of Physics and Electronic Information;Hubei University of Education;chool of Physics;Huazhong University of Science and Technology;Department of Electronic Science;Huizhou University;Scientific Research Department;Air Force Early Warning Academy;
Spatial Solitons in 2D Graded-Index Waveguides with Different Distributed Transverse Diffractions
CHEN Yi-Xiang;School of Electronics Information;Zhejiang University of Media and Communications;
Fractional Bateman–Feshbach Tikochinsky Oscillator
Dumitru Baleanu;Jihad H.Asad;Ivo Petras;Department of Chemical and Materials Engineering;Faculty of Engineering;King Abdulaziz University;Department of Mathematics and Computer Science;Faculty of Arts and Sciences;Cankaya University;Institute of Space Sciences;Department of Physics;College of Arts and Sciences;Palestine Technical University;BERG Faculty;Technical University of Kosice;
Detection of Supernova Neutrinos on the Earth for Large θ13
XU Jing;HUANG Ming-Yang;HU Li-Jun;GUO Xin-Heng;YOUNG Bing-Lin;College of Nuclear Science and Technology;Beijing Normal University;Institute of High Energy Physics;Chinese Academy of Sciences;Department of Physics and Astronomy;Iowa State University;Institute of Theoretical Physics;Chinese Academy of Sciences;
Stark-Chirped Rapid Adiabatic Passage in Presence of Dissipation for Quantum Computation
SHI Xuan;C.H.Oh;WEI Lian-Fu;Quantum Optoelectronics Laboratory;School of Physics and Technology;Southwest Jiaotong University;Centre for Quantum Technologies and Department of Physics;National University of Singapore;State Key Laboratory of Optoelectronic Materials and Technologies;School of Physics Science and Engineering;Sun Yet-sen University;
Propagation of Lorentz–Gaussian Beams in Strongly Nonlocal Nonlinear Media
A.Keshavarz;G.Honarasa;Department of Physics;Faculty of Science;Shiraz University of Technology;
Electromagnetically Induced Transparency of Two Intense Circularly-Polarized Lasers in Cold Plasma: Beat-Wave Second Harmonic Effect
N.Sepehri Javan;L.Akbari;Department of Physics;Faculty of Sciences;University of Mohaghegh Ardabili;Department of Physics;Zanjan University;
Conduction Band-Edge Non-Parabolicity Effects on Impurity States in(In,Ga)N/GaN Cylindrical QWWs
Haddou El Ghazi;Anouar Jorio;LPS;Faculty of Science;Dhar EL Mehrez;BP 1796 Fes-Atlas;Morocco;Special Mathematics;CPGE My Youssef;Rabat;Morocco;
Dynamical Properties of a Diluted Dipolar-Interaction Heisenberg Spin Glass
ZHANG Kai-Cheng;LIU Yong;CHI Feng;College of Mathematics and Physics;Bohai University;State Key Laboratory of Metastable Materials Science & Technology and College of Science;Yanshan University;College of Engineering;Bohai University;
Analytical and Numerical Studies of Quantum Plateau State in One Alternating Heisenberg Chain
JIANG Jian-Jun;LIU Yong-Jun;TANG Fei;YANG Cui-Hong;SHENG Yu-Bo;Department of Physics;Sanjiang College;School of Physics Science and Technology;Yangzhou University;Department of Electronic and Information Engineering;Yangzhou Polytechnic Institute;School of Physics and Optoelectroic Engineering;Nanjing University of Information Science and Technology;Institute of Signal Processing Transmission;Nanjing University of Postsand Telecommunications;
Exact Harmonic Metric for a Uniformly Moving Schwarzschild Black Hole
HE Guan-Sheng;LIN Wen-Bin;School of Physical Science and Technology;Southwest Jiaotong University;