Fractional Bateman–Feshbach Tikochinsky Oscillator
Dumitru Baleanu;Jihad H.Asad;Ivo Petras;Department of Chemical and Materials Engineering;Faculty of Engineering;King Abdulaziz University;Department of Mathematics and Computer Science;Faculty of Arts and Sciences;Cankaya University;Institute of Space Sciences;Department of Physics;College of Arts and Sciences;Palestine Technical University;BERG Faculty;Technical University of Kosice;
Detection of Supernova Neutrinos on the Earth for Large θ13
XU Jing;HUANG Ming-Yang;HU Li-Jun;GUO Xin-Heng;YOUNG Bing-Lin;College of Nuclear Science and Technology;Beijing Normal University;Institute of High Energy Physics;Chinese Academy of Sciences;Department of Physics and Astronomy;Iowa State University;Institute of Theoretical Physics;Chinese Academy of Sciences;
Analytical and Numerical Studies of Quantum Plateau State in One Alternating Heisenberg Chain
JIANG Jian-Jun;LIU Yong-Jun;TANG Fei;YANG Cui-Hong;SHENG Yu-Bo;Department of Physics;Sanjiang College;School of Physics Science and Technology;Yangzhou University;Department of Electronic and Information Engineering;Yangzhou Polytechnic Institute;School of Physics and Optoelectroic Engineering;Nanjing University of Information Science and Technology;Institute of Signal Processing Transmission;Nanjing University of Postsand Telecommunications;