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Communications in Theoretical Physics
2014 Issue 11
Instructions to Authors
Negativity of Quantumness and Non-Markovianity in a Qubit Coupled to a Thermal Ising Spin Bath System
HU Zheng-Da;ZHANG Yi-Xin;ZHANG Ye-Qi;School of Science;Jiangnan University;Department of Mathematics and Physics;North China Electric Power University;
An Integrable Discrete Generalized Nonlinear Schr¨odinger Equation and Its Reductions
LI Hong-Min;LI Yu-Qi;CHEN Yong;Shanghai Key Laboratory of Trustworthy Computing;East China Normal University;
Punishment Mechanism with Self-Adjusting Rules in Spatial Voluntary Public Goods Games
WU Zhong-We;XU Zhao-Jin;ZHANG Lian-Zhong;School of Physics;Nankai University;School of Science;Tianjin University of Technology;Center for Transnationals’ Studies of Nankai University;
Dynamic Quantum Erasure Mediated by Electromagnetically Induced Transparency
ZHU Hai-Long;LU Jing;Key Laboratory of Low-Dimensional Quantum Structures and Quantum Control of Ministry of Education;Department of Physics;Hunan Normal University;
Dynamical Symmetries of Two-Dimensional Dirac Equation with Screened Coulomb and Isotropic Harmonic Oscillator Potentials
WANG Qing;HOU Yu-Long;LONG Zheng-Wen;JING Jian;College of Physics Science and Technology;Xinjiang University;Department of Physics and Electronic;School of Science;Beijing University of Chemical Technology;Laboratory for Photoelectric Technology and Application;Department of Physics;Guizhou University;
Robustness of Entanglement During Decoherence
KIMKwang-Il;ZHAO Bao-Kui;LI Hong-Mei;LU Jing-Bin;College of Physics;Jilin University;Department of Physics;Kim Il Sung University;
Local Unitary Invariants for Multipartite Quantum Systems
WANG Jing;LI Ming;FEI Shao-Ming;Xian-Qing Li-Jost;School of Mathematical Sciences;Capital Normal University;College of the Science;China University of Petroleum;Max-Planck-Institute for Mathematics in the Sciences;Leipzig 04103;Germany;
Monogamy of Measurement-Induced Nonlocality Based on Relative Entropy
LUO Yu;XI Zheng-Jun;LI Yong-Ming;College of Computer Science;Shaanxi Normal University;
Complete N-Qubit Greenberger–Horne–Zeilinger States Analysis Assisted by Frequency Degree of Freedom
ZENG Zhi;WANG Chun;LI Xi-Han;Department of Physics;Chongqing University;
New Solutions of Three Nonlinear Space- and Time-Fractional Partial Differential Equations in Mathematical Physics
YAO Ruo-Xia;WANG Wei;CHEN Ting-Hua;School of Computer Science;Shaanxi Normal University;Information and Education Technology Center;Xi’an University of Finance and Economics;
Multiverse in the Third Quantized Formalism
Mir Faizal;Department of Physics and Astronomy;University of Waterloo;Waterloo;Ontario N2L 3G1;Canada;
Dynamics of Controllable Optical Rogue Waves in Presence of Quintic Nonlinearity and Nonlinear Dispersion Effects
MA Xiao-Xiao;ZHAO Li-Chen;LIU Chong;YANG Zhan-Ying;YANG Wen-Li;Department of Physics;Northwest University;Institute of Modern Physics;Northwest University;
Interaction of Three Waves for the Extension(2+1)-Dimensional Sine-Gordon Equation
CHEN Wei;CHEN Han-Lin;DAI Zheng-De;School of Science;Southwest University of Science and Technology;School of Mathematics and Statistics;Yunnan University;
Pre-neutron-emission Mass Distributions for Reaction 232Th(n,f) up to 60 MeV
SUN Xiao-Jun;PAN Cheng-Hua;YU Cheng-Gang;YANG Yong-Xu;WANG Ning;Department of Physics;Guangxi Normal University;Shanghai Institute of Applied Physics;Chinese Academy of Sciences;
Isotopic Ratio, Isotonic Ratio, Isobaric Ratio and Shannon Information Uncertainty
MA Chun-Wang;WEI Hui-Ling;Institute of Particle and Nuclear Physics;Henan Normal University;
Coherent Preservation of Two-Qubit Quantum Entanglement in the Strong Coupling Region
TIAN Gui-Hua;ZHONG Shu-Quan;School of Science;Beijing University of Posts And Telecommunications;Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics China;Chinese Academy of Sciences;State Key Laboratory of Information Photonics and Optical Communications;Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications;
Discontinuity Evolution and Sonic Propagation for Superfluidity Hydrodynamics with Small Superfluid Entropy
ZHANG Sun;DONG Yi-Qiao;Purple Mountain Observatory;Chinese Academy of Sciences;Key Laboratory of Dark Matter and Space Astronomy;Chinese Academy of Sciences;Joint Center for Particle;Nuclear Physics and Cosmology;PMO-NJU;Key Laboratory of Optical Astronomy;National Astronomical Observatories;Chinese Academy of Sciences;
Polar Coordinate Lattice Boltzmann Kinetic Modeling of Detonation Phenomena
LIN Chuan-Dong;XU Ai-Guo;ZHANG Guang-Cai;LI Ying-Jun;State Key Laboratory for GeoM echanics and Deep Underground Engineering;China University of Mining and Technology;National Key Laboratory of Computational Physics;Institute of Applied Physics and Computational Mathematics;Center for Applied Physics and Technology;MOE Key Center for High Energy Density Physics Simulations;College of Engineering;Peking University;State Key Laboratory of Explosion Science and Technology;Beijing Institute of Technology;State Key Laboratory of Theoretical Physics;Institute of Theoretical Physics;Chinese Academy of Sciences;
Thermodynamic Transitions of Antiferromagnetic Ising Model on the Fractional Multi-branched Husimi Recursive Lattice
HUANG Ran;CHEN Chong;School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering;Shanghai Jiao Tong University;Rushand Ran Research Co.;
Dislocation Coupling-Induced Transition of Synchronization in Two-Layer Neuronal Networks
QIN Hui-Xin;MA Jun;JIN Wu-Yin;WANG Chun-Ni;Department of Physics;Lanzhou University of Technology;College of Electrical and Information Engineering;Lanzhou University of Technology;
Hypersurface Homogeneous Space Time with Anisotropic Dark Energy in Brans Dicke Theory of Gravitation
S.D.Katore;M.M.Sancheti;1S.P.Hatkar;N.K.Sarkate;Department of Mathematics;S.G.B. Amravati University;Amravati-444602;India;Department of Mathematics;A.E.S.;Arts;Commerce and Science College;Hingoli 431513;India;