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Communications in Theoretical Physics
2013 Issue 10
Quantum Correlations in a Two-Qubit Heisenberg XX Model under Intrinsic Decoherence
QIU Liang;College of Sciences;China University of Mining and Technology;
Interactions Between Solitons and Cnoidal Periodic Waves of the Boussinesq Equation
YANG Duo;LOU Sen-Yue;YU Wei-Feng;Faculty of Science;Ningbo University;Shanghai Key Laboratory of Trustworthy Computing;East China Normal University;
Interference of Quantum Chaotic Systems in Phase Space
XU You-Yang;Faculty of Science;Kunming University of Science and Technology;
Entanglement Dynamics of Quantum States Undergoing Decoherence from a Driven Critical Environment
MA Xiao-San;QIAOYing;LIU Xiao-Dong;WANG An-Min;School of Electric Engineering and Information;Anhui University of Technology;Department of Modern Physics;University of Science and Technology of China;
Improved Speed and Shape of Ion-Acoustic Waves in a Warm Plasma
H.G. Abdelwahed;E.K. El-Shewy;Physics Department;College of Sciences and Humanitarian Studies;Salman Bin Abdulaziz University;Theoretical Physics Group;Faculty of Science;Mansoura University;
Quantum Correlations in Werner Derivatives
WANG Sheng-Fang;LIU Yi-Min;LI Guo-Feng;LIU Xian-Song;ZHANG Zhan-Jun;Engineering Technology Research Center of Magnetic Materials;Anhui Province;School of Physics & Materials Science;Anhui University;Department of Physics;Shaoguan University;
Efective Parameters on Energy Losses of Fast Electron in Fusion Mediums
M. Mahdavi;S.F. Ghazizadeh;Physics Department;Mazandaran University;Physics Department;Tehran Payam-e-Noor University;
Molecular Mechanism of the Early Stage of Amyloidogenic Hexapeptides(NFGAIL) Aggregation
SHI Bi-Yun;ZHOU Bo;CAI Zhuo-Wei;XIU Peng;YANG Zai-Xing;Bio-X Lab;Department of Physics;Zhejiang University;Department of Engineering Mechanics;and Soft Matter Research Center;Zhejiang University;
Influence of Noise on Stability of the Ecosystem
LIU Tong-Bo;TANG Jun;College of Science;China University of Mining and Technology;
The Efect of Queueing Strategy on Network Trafc
ZHANG Xue-Jun;GUAN Xiang-Min;SUN Deng-Feng;TANG Shao-Ting;School of Electronic and Information Engineering;Beihang University;National Key Laboratory of CNS/ATM;School of Aeronautics and Astronautics;Purdue University;School of Mathematics and Systems Science;Beihang University;
Holographic p-Wave Superconductors in Quintessence AdS Black Hole Spacetime
CHEN Song-Bai;PAN Qi-Yuan;Institute of Physics and Department of Physics;Hunan Normal University;Key Laboratory of Low Dimensional Quantum Structures and Quantum Control of Ministry of Education;Hunan Normal University;
A Semi-Analytical Solution to Classic Yang-Mills Equations with Both Asymptotical Freedom and Confining Features
ZENG Ding-Fang;Physics Department;Beijing University of Technology;
A New Determination of the Lambda-Nucleon Coupling Constants in Relativistic Mean Field Theory
WANG Xiao-Su;SANG Hong-Yi;WANG Jia-Hui;L Hong-Feng;College of Science;China Agriculture University;
Nonequilibrium Shot Noise Spectrum Through a Quantum Dot in the Kondo Regime:A Master Equation Approach under Self-Consistent Born Approximation
LIU Yu;JIN Jin-Shuang;LI Jun;LI Xin-Qi;YAN Yi-Jing;State Key Laboratory for Superlattices and Microstructures;Institute of Semiconductors;Chinese Academy of Sciences;Department of Physics;Hangzhou Normal University;Beijing Computational Science Research Center;College of Physics and Electronic Engineering;Dezhou University;Department of Physics;Beijing Normal University;Department of Chemistry;Hong Kong University of Science and Technology;
A New Lattice Model of Two-Lane Trafc Flow with the Consideration of the Honk Efect
PENG Guang-Han;College of Physics and Electronics;Hunan University of Arts and Science;
Drive Control of Spiral Wave and Turbulence by a Target Wave in CGLE
XIANG Xiu-Qiao;SHI Bao-Chang;HE Yao-Yao;Faculty of Information Engineering;China University of Geosciences;School of Mathematics and Statistics;Huazhong University of Science and Technology;School of Management;Hefei University of Technology;
Dynamics of Charged Particles Around a Magnetized Black Hole with Pseudo-Newtonian Potential
WANG Ying;WU Xin;SUN Wei;Department of Physics;Nanchang University;School of Astronomy and Space Science;Nanjing University;College of Geography Science;Nanjing Normal University;
Information Loss for QCD Matter in AdS Black Holes at LHC
A. Sepehri;M.E. Zomorrodian;S. Shoorvaz;M. Hasheminia;Faculty of Physics;Shahid Bahonar University;Department of Physics;Ferdowsi University of Mashhad;Islamic Azad University;Faculty of Physics;yazd University;
Efcient Multipartite Polarization Entanglement Distribution Over Arbitrary Noise Channel
CHEN Xiao;LI Yan;ZENG Zhi;LI Xi-Han;Department of Physics;Chongqing University;
Quantum Network Coding on Networks with Arbitrarily Distributed Hidden Channels
ZHANG Sheng;LI Jie;DONG Heng-Jie;LIU Jin;Department of Electronic Technology;China Maritime Police Academy;
(n+1)-Dimensional Gravity Duals to Quantum Criticalities with Spontaneous Symmetry Breaking
ZENG Ding-Fang;ZHAO Kai;Physics Department;Beijing University of Technology;
A Novel Deterministic Secure Quantum Communication Scheme with Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen Pairs and Single Photons
WANG Chao;LIU Jian-Wei;LIU Xiao;SHANG Tao;School of Electronics and Information Engineering;Beihang University;