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Communications in Theoretical Physics
2012 Issue 6
Optimal Phase-Covariant Cloning in 3 Dimensions
ZHANG Wen-Hai;1;YU Long-Bao;2 CAO Zhuo-Liang;2 and YE Liu 3 1 Department of Physics;Huainan Normal University;Huainan 232001;China 2 School of Electronic and Information Engineering;Hefei Normal University;Hefei 230061;China 3 School of Physics and Material Science;Anhui University;Hefei 230039;China
Quantum Information Splitting of an Arbitrary Three-Atom State by Using W-class States in Cavity QED
LI Yuan-Hua 1 and NIE Yi-You 1;2;1 Department of Physics;Jiangxi Normal University;Nanchang 330022;China 2 State Key Laboratory of Advanced Optical Communication Systems and Networks;Shanghai Jiao Tong University;Shanghai 200240;China
Quantum Phase Transition and Thermal Entanglement in the Isotropic XXX Model
MA Fu-Wu and KONG Xiang-Mu Shandong Provincial Key Laboratory of Laser Polarization and Information Technology;Department of Physics;Qufu Normal University;Qufu 273165;China
Nonlinear Ramsey Interferometry of Fermi Superfluid Gases in a Double-Well Potential
MENG Hong-Juan;GOU Xue-Qiang;WANG Wen-Yuan;YANG Yang;and DUAN Wen-Shan Key Laboratory of Atomic and Molecular Physics & Functional Materials of Gansu Province;College of Physics and Electronic Engineering;Northwest Normal University;Lanzhou 730070;China
Lie Algebras and Integrable Systems
ZHANG Yu-Feng1 and MEI Jian-Qin 2 1 College of Sciences;China University of Mining and Technology;Xuzhou 221116;China 2 School of Mathematical Sciences;Dalian University of Technology;Dalian 116024;China
Oscillatory Dynamics and Oscillation Death in Complex Networks Consisting of Both Excitatory and Inhibitory Nodes
ZHANG Li-Sheng;LIAO Xu-Hong;MI Yuan-Yuan;GU Wei-Feng;and HU Gang Department of Physics;Beijing Normal University;Beijing 100875;China
Can X(3872) be a J~P=2~-Tetraquark State?
CUI Chun-Yu;LIU Yong-Lu;ZHANG Guo-Bin;and HUANG Ming-Qiu Department of Physics;College of Science;National University of Defense Technology;Changsha 410073;China
Instructions to Authors
Color-Flavor Locked Strangelets in a New Quark Model with Linear Confinement and Coulomb-Type Interactions
CHEN Shi-Wu1 and PENG Guang-Xiong 1;2 1 College of Physics;Graduate University of Chinese Academy of Sciences;Beijing 100049;China 2 Theoretical Physics Center for Science Facilities;Institute of High Energy Physics;P.O.Box 918-4;Yuquan Rd.19B;Shijingshan District;Beijing 100049;China
The Qiao–Liu Equation with Self-Consistent Sources and Its Solutions
YAO Yu-Qin; 1; HUANG Ye-Hui ; 2; and ZENG Yun-Bo 2;§ 1 Department of Applied Mathematics; China Agricultural University; Beijing 100083; China 2 Department of Mathematical Science; Tsinghua University; Beijing 100084; China
Net-Baryon and Net-Kaon Rapidity Distributions in Ultrarelativistic Heavy-Ion Collisions
WANG Hong-Min;1;HOU Zhao-Yu;2 and SUN Xian-Jing 3 1 Physics Department;Academy of Armored Forces Engineering of PLA;Beijing 100072;China 2 Physics Graduate School;Shijiazhuang Railway Institute;Shijiazhuang 050043;China 3 Institute of High Energy Physics;Chinese Academy of Sciences;Beijing 100049;China
Oscillatory and Asymptotic Behavior of a Second-Order Nonlinear Functional Differential Equations
ZHANG Quan-Xin;GAO Li;and WANG Shao-Ying Department of Mathematics and Information Science;Binzhou University;Shandong 256603;China
Theoretical Study on the Low-Lying Electronic States of He2,He2+,and He2++
ZHANG Yun-Guang;1;ZHA Xin-Wei;1 and GAO Tao 2 1 School of Science;Xi’an Institute of Posts and Telecommunications;Xi’an 710121;China 2 Insititute of Atomic and Molecular Physics;Sichuan University;Chengdu 610065;China
Rational Solutions with Non-zero Asymptotics of the Modified Korteweg-de Vries Equation
SUN Ying-Ying and ZHANG Da-Jun Department of Mathematics;Shanghai University;Shanghai 200444;China
Phase Transitions in q-States Signal Reconstruction
SUN Yi-Fan LMIB and School of Mathematics and Systems Science;Beihang University;100191 Beijing;China
Manipulating Photoelectron Distributions for Rare Gas Atoms Ionized with Polarized Femtosecond Laser Pulses
LI Xiao-Gang School of Science;Wuhan Institute of Technology;Wuhan 430073;China
One Electron Atom in Special Relativity with de Sitter Space-Time Symmetry
YAN Mu-Lin Interdisciplinary Center for Theoretical Study;Department of Modern Physics;University of Science and Technology of China;Hefei 230026;China
Quasinormal Modes of a Black Hole with Quintessence-Like Matter and a Deficit Solid Angle for Electromagnetic Perturbation
WANG Chun-Yan;ZHAO Ya-Feng;and GAO Ya-Jun Department of Physics;School of Mathematics and Physics;Bohai University;Jinzhou 121013;China
Bargmann Symmetry Constraint for a Family of Liouville Integrable Differential-Difference Equations
XU Xi-Xiang College of Science;Shandong University of Science and Technology;Qingdao 266590;China
Nonlinear Super Integrable Couplings of Super Dirac Hierarchy and Its Super Hamiltonian Structures
YOU Fu-Cai Department of Basic Sciences;Shenyang Institute of Engineering;Shenyang 110136;China
Calculation of Excited States of He Atoms in a Strong Magnetic Field
ZHAO Li-Bo;1;B.C.Saha;1 and DU Meng-Li 2 1 Department of Physics;Florida A & M University;Tallahassee;Florida 32307;USA 2 Institute of Theoretical Physics;Chinese Academy of Sciences;P.O.Box 2735;Beijing 100190;China
Quantum Measurement and Extended Feynman Path Integral
WEN Wei1;and BAI Yan-Kui 2 1 Institute of Semiconductors;Chinese Academy of Sciences;Beijing 100083;China 2 College of Physical Science and Information Engineering;Hebei Normal University;Shijiazhuang 050016;China
Multiple Image Method for the Two Conductor Spheres in a Uniform Electrostatic Field
GAO Xin;1;2 HU Lin;1;and SUN Gang 2;1 Department of Physics;Guizhou University;Guiyang 550025;China 2 Beijing National Laboratory for Condensed Matter Physics and Key Laboratory of Soft Matter Physics;Institute of Physics;Chinese Academy of Sciences;Beijing 100190;China
Spin Splitting in Different Semiconductor Quantum Wells
HAO Ya-Fei Department of Physics;Zhejiang Normal University;Jinhua 321004;China
Dynamics of Entanglement for a Two-Parameter Class of States in a Qubit-Qutrit System
WEI Hai-Rui;REN Bao-Cang;LI Tao;HUA Ming;and DENG Fu-Guo Department of Physics;Applied Optics Beijing Area Major Laboratory;Beijing Normal University;Beijing 100875;China
Quantum Wire with Triangle Cross Section:Optical Properties
R.Khordad; S.Tafaroji;R.Katebi;and A.Ghanbari Department of Physics;College of Sciences;Yasouj University;Yasouj 75914-353;Iran
Controllable Spin-Polarized Transport in a Three-Terminal Model
LIANG Feng;1;YANG Yong-Hong;2 and WANG Jun 2 1 Department of Physics;Huaiyin Institute of Technology;Huaian 223003;China 2 Department of Physics;Southeast University;Nanjing 211189;China
Negative Differential Resistance in Atomic Carbon Chain-Graphene Junctions
AN Li-Ping;1;3 LIU Chun-Mei;1;2;4 and LIU Nian-Hua 1;2;1 Institute for Advanced Study;Nanchang University;Nanchang 330031;China 2 Department of Physics;Nanchang University;Nanchang 330031;China 3 Department of Physics;Yanshan University;Qinhuangdao 066004;China 4 Fundamental Department;Academy of Amored Force Engineering;Beijing 100072;China
Scaling Theory of Strongly Charged Cylindrical Polyelectrolyte Brushes
QU Li-Jian Department of Physics;Beijing Normal University;Beijing 100875;China