A New(γ_A,σ_B)-Matrix KP Hierarchy and Its Solutions
HUANG Ye-Hui;1;YAO Yu-Qin;2;and ZENG Yun-Bo 1;1 Department of Mathematical Science;Tsinghua University;Beijing 100084;China 2 Department of Applied Mathematics;China Agricultural University;Beijing 100083;China
Effect of Growing Size of Interaction Neighbors on the Evolution of Cooperation in Spatial Snowdrift Game
ZHANG Juan-Juan;1 WANG Juan;2;SUN Shi-Wen;1 WANG Li;1 WANG Zhen;3;and XIA Cheng-Yi1;1 Key Laboratory of Computer Vision and System and Tianjin Key Laboratory of Intelligence Computing and Novel Software Technology;Tianjin University of Technology;Tianjin 300384;China 2 School of Automation;Tianjin University of Technology;Tianjin 300384;China 3 School of Software Technology;Dalian University of Technology;Liaolin Dalian 116024;China
Geometries with the Second Poincar Symmetry
HUANG Chao-Guang;1;TIAN Yu;2 WU Xiao-Ning;3 XU Zhan;4 and ZHOU Bin 5 1 Institute of High Energy Physics;and Theoretical Physics Center for Science Facilities;Chinese Academy of Sciences;Beijing 100049;China 2 Graduate University of Chinese Academy of Sciences;Beijing 100049;China 3 Institute of Mathematics;Academy of Mathematics and System Sciences;Chinese Academy of Sciences;Beijing 100190;China 4 Department of Physics;Tsinghua University;Beijing 100084;China 5 Department of Physics;Beijing Normal University;Beijing 100875;China
AdS/QCD and Applications of Light-Front Holography
Stanley J.Brodsky;1;CAO Fu-Guang;2;and Guy F.de Téramond 3;1 SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory;Stanford University;Stanford;CA 94309;USA;and CP 3-Origins;Southern Denmark University;Odense;Denmark 2 Massey University;Palmerston North;New Zealand 3 Universidad de Costa Rica;San José;Costa Rica
Charmed-Hadron Production in Υ(1S) Semi-inclusive Decay
CHEN Hai-Ting;1 SANG Wen-Long;2 and WU Pei 1 1 Key Laboratory of Frontiers in Theoretical Physics;Institute of Theoretical Physics;Chinese Academy of Sciences;Beijing 100190;China 2 Theoretical Physics Center for Science Facilities;Chinese Academy of Sciences;Beijing 100049;China
Quantum Steganography via Greenberger-Horne-Zeilinger GHZ4 State
A.El Allati;1;2;M.B.Ould Medeni;3;and Y.Hassouni 1;1 Faculté des Sciences;Département de Physique;LPT-URAC-13;Université Mohammed V-Agdal.Av.Ibn Battouta;B.P.1014;Rabat;Maroc 2 The Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics;Trieste;Italy 3 Faculté des Sciences;Laboratory of Mathematic Informatics and Applications;Université Mohammed V-Agdal.Av.Ibn Battouta;B.P.1014;Rabat;Maroc
Effects from Periastron Advance of Eccentric Binary Stars
LI Jin;1 ZHONG Yuan-Hong;2 and PAN Yu 3 1 College of Physics;Chongqing University;Chongqing 400030;China 2 College of Communication Engineering;Chongqing University;Chongqing 400030;China 3 College of Mathmatic and Physics;Chongqing University of Posts and Telecommunications;Chongqing 400065;China
FFT-LB Modeling of Thermal Liquid-Vapor System
GAN Yan-Biao;1;2;3 XU Ai-Guo;2;ZHANG Guang-Cai;2 and LI Ying-Jun1;1 State Key Laboratory for GeoMechanics and Deep Underground Engineering;SMCE;China University of Mining and Technology;Beijing 100083;China 2 National Key Laboratory of Computational Physics;Institute of Applied Physics and Computational Mathematics;P.O.Box 8009-26;Beijing 100088;China 3 North China Institute of Aerospace Engineering;Langfang 065000;China