A Parallel Quantum Algorithm for the Satisfiability Problem
LIU Wen-Zhang~1 ZHANG Jing-Fu~1 LONG Gui-Lu~1 Key Laboratory for Atomic and Molecular NanoSciences and Department of Physics;Tsinghua University;Beijing 100084;China2 Tsinghua National Laboratory for Information Science and Technology;Beijing 100084;China
Classical Communication and Entanglement Cost in Preparing a Class of Multi-qubit States
PAN Gui-Xia~1 LIU Yi-Min~2 ZHANG Zhan-Jun~31 Department of Mathematics and Physics;Anhui University of Science and Technology;Huainan 232001;China2 Department of Physics;Shaoguan University;Shaoguan 512005;China3 Key Laboratory of Optoelectronic Information Acquisition & Manipulation of Ministry of Education of China;School of Physics & Material Science;Anhui University;Hefei 230039;China
Periodic Windows in Weakly Coupled Map Lattices
GAO Ji-Hua~ ZHAN Meng~11 Wuhan Institute of Physics and Mathematics;The Chinese Academy of Sciences;Wuhan 430071;China2 Shenzhen Key Laboratory of Special Functional Materials;College of Materials;Shenzhen University;Shenzhen 518060;China
Various Methods for Constructing Auto-Bcklund Transformations for a Generalized Variable-Coefficient Korteweg-de Vries Model from Plasmas and Fluid Dynamics
ZHANG Chun-Yi~ GAO Yi-Tian~ XU Tao~4 LI Li-Li~4 SUN Fu-Wei~ LI Juan~4 MENG Xiang-Hua~4 WEI Guang-Mei~11 Ministry-of-Education Key Laboratory of Fluid Mechanics and National Laboratory for Computational Fluid Dynamics;Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics;Beijing 100083;China2 Meteorology Center of Air Force Command Post;Changchun 130051;China3 State Key Laboratory of Software Development Environment;Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics;Beijing 100083;China4 School of Science;P.O.Box 122;Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications;Beijing 100876;China5 College of Science;North China University of Technology;Beijing 100041;China
QCD Approach to B→Dπ Decays and CP Violation
SU Fang~ WU Yue-Liang~1 YANG Ya-Dong~3 ZHUANG Ci~1 Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics China;Institute of Theoretical Physics;the Chinese Academy of Sciences ;Beijing 100080;China2 Graduate School of the Chinese Academy of Sciences;Beijing 100039;China3 Institute of Particle Physics;Huazhong Normal University;Wuhan 430079;China
Tensor Susceptibilities of QCD Vacuum and Parameterized Quark Propagator
ZHOU Li-Juan~1 MENG Cheng-Ju~2 PAN Ji-Huan~2 LIU Bao-Rong~3 MA Wei-Xing~41 Collaboration Group of Hadron Physics and Non-perturbative QCD Study;Guangxi University of Technology;Liuzhou 545006;China2 Department of Physics;Hechi College;Yizhou 546300;China3 Department of Physics;Guangxi University;Nanning 530004;China4 Institute of High Energy Physics;the Chinese Academy of Sciences;Beijing 100049;China
New Terms for Compact Form of Electroweak Chiral Lagrangian
ZHANG Hong-Hao~ YAN Wen-Bin~ J.K.Parry~2 LI Xue-Song~31 School of Physics and Engineering;Sun Yet-Sen University;Gunagzhou 510275;China2 Center for High Energy Physics & Department of Physics;Tsinghua University;Beijing 100084;China3 Scienee College;Hunan Agricultural University;Changsha 410128;China4 Department of Physics and Astronomy;State University of New York at Stony Brook;New York 11794;USA
Soliton, Positon and Negaton Solutions of Extended KdV Equation
WU Hong-Xia~ ZENG Yun-Bo~3 FAN Tian-You~21 Department of Mathematics;Jimei University;Xiamen 361021;China2 Department of Mathematics;Beijing Institute of Technology;Beijing 100081;China3 Department of Mathematical Sciences;Tsinghua University;Beijing 100084;China
Analytical Results of a Two-Species Predator-Prey Model
KE Jian-Hong~ LIN Zhen-Quan~1 CHEN Xiao-Shuang~21 School of Physics and Electronic Information;Wenzhou University;Wenzhou 325027;China2 National Laboratory of Infrared Physics;Shanghai Institute of Technical Physics;the Chinese Academy of Sciences;Shanghai 200083;China
Continuous Weight Attack on Complex Network
YIN Yan-Ping~1 ZHANG Duan-Ming~1 TAN Jin~1 PAN Gui-Jun~ HE Min-Hua~11 Department of Physics;Huazhong University of Science and Technology;Wuhan 430074;China2 Faculty of Physics and Electronic Technology;Hubei University;Wuhan 430062;China